This is Jenkins for tests image, build off latest LTS, The image provides automation of jenkins installation from docker with handy plugins, maven and java. It contains all you need to run:
- my jenkins seed job (pipelines, dsl, locks, ...) :
- selenium with maven (selenide, allure, juinit) :
- jmeter with maven, performance plugin, etc ..
- In shell/cygwin/docker for windows navigate to directory where is
- Run ./ (win 7 and linux) or ./
- Navigate to YOUR_IP:9090
- Test by running build at http://YOUR_IP:9090/job/testJenkinsSetUp/ Info:
This image is build of current Jenkins LTS so from time to time Dockerfile needs to be adjusted Installation requires valid JAVA URL and MAVEN URL. Especially JAVA URL is prone to change and it can be necessary to update it from time to time.