This plugin is a template and a functioning example for a basic JFrog CLI plugin. This README shows the expected structure of your plugin's README.
Installing the latest version:
$ jfrog plugin install hello-frog
Installing a specific version:
$ jfrog plugin install hello-frog@version
Uninstalling a plugin
$ jfrog plugin uninstall hello-frog
- hello
- Arguments:
- addressee - The name of the person you would like to greet.
- Flags:
- shout: Makes output uppercase [Default: false]
- repeat: Greets multiple times [Default: 1]
- Example:
$ jfrog hello-frog hello world --shout --repeat=2 NEW GREETING: HELLO WORLD! NEW GREETING: HELLO WORLD!
- Arguments:
- HELLO_FROG_GREET_PREFIX - Adds a prefix to every greet [Default: New greeting: ]
The release notes are available here.