ClingOFPlayground lets you live code openFrameoworks.
It is an openFrameworks application that have Cling embedded inside of it with an in-app text editor that lets you write and execute c++ code.
Example video:
Only OSX currently, contributions for Linux/Windows are welcome.
$ git clone
$ cd ClingOFPlayground
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Cling needs the path to the SDK used to build the embedding app (ClingOFPlayground) this path is currently set in ofApp.cpp, defined in the macro OSX_SDK_PATH. This path needs to be adjusted depending on your setup. Default value points to / Applications/
open apps/ClingOFPlayground/ClingOFPlayground.xcodeproj with xcode and build.
To execute code select the line/s to execute and press shift+return. Its important to realize that the code executs on the next update. If you want to execute something over and over (like a draw function) you have to first declare a function and then add it as a listener to an event like ofEvents().draw or similar.
You must include ofMain.h first, otherwise Cling will not know about OF symbols.
Simple example:
#include "ofMain.h"
// declare the function (creates a new symbol with a global scope)
void mydraw(ofEventArgs& args) {
ofSetColor(255, 0, 0);
ofDrawRectangle(10, 10, 20, 20);
// add listener
ofAddListener(ofEvents().draw, &mydraw);
If you omit the semicolon at the end of a line and execute it, cling will act as a REPL and will print the return value.
Symbol unloading is supported but very hard to manage. Every variable and function you define will be added as a symbol in the global scope. It is currenty essentially imposible to unload a symbol once defined, so use lambdas instead.
clingof.hpp is a sort of a mailbox between the app and Cling. By including it you can easily redefine draw and update functions, redefine the audioOut function, or manipulate the scene graph of the app (using ofxInterface).
#include "workspace/clingof.hpp"
cof.update = [](){
cof.draw = []() {
ofSetColor(0, 255, 0);
ofDrawRectangle(0, 0, 50, 50);
cof.audioOut = [](ofSoundBuffer& buff) {
// white noise
for (int i=0; i<buff.getNumFrames(); i++) {
// left
buff[i*buff.getNumChannels()] = ofRandom(-0.2,0.2);
// right
buff[i*buff.getNumChannels()+1] = ofRandom(-0.2,0.2);
// Using the scene graph root
// create button
BitmapTextButton* tmpBtn = new BitmapTextButton();
tmpBtn->setPosition(10, 10);