Simple search command App that gives the possibility to find commands or store commands locally, this app will evolve and have a web interface in the near future.
Release: 1.0.0 - (18-02-2023) Initial SCMD CLI & Web UI
Release: 1.0.1 - (19-02-2023) Recompiled with updated tardigrade-mod v0.2.0
Release: 1.0.2 - (26-02-2023) Minor cosmetic changes in the search UI
Release: 1.1.0 - (05-03-2023) Added binary upgrade option in the menu!
Release: 1.2.0 - (12-03-2023) Added option to specific what port to open the Web UI
Release: 1.3.0 - (19-03-2023) Added option to save or display functions also
Release: 1.3.1 - (26-03-2023) Check if command already exist + cosmetics
Release: 1.3.2 - (01-04-2023) Created the Help page and added search login.
Release: 1.3.3 - (05-04-2023) Minor cosmetics on help page (before annual leave).
Release: 1.3.5 - (29-08-2023) Added TLS capabilities for HTTPS.
Release: 1.3.6 - (09-09-2023) Added -block "DISABLES" add commands page.
Display this help menu
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --help
Opens the web UI with default Port: "3333"
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --web
Opens the Web UI with default Port: "3333" & "DISABLE" add commands
Usage: scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --web -block
Opens the Web UI with alternative Port:
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --web -port [port]
Opens the Web UI with alternative Port: & "DISABLE" add commands
Usage: scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --web -port [port] -block
Opens the web UI with alternative Port: (-service won't launch the browser)
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --web -port [port] -service
Starts SCMD without launching Web UI & "DISABLE" add commands
Usage: scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --web -port [port] -service -block
Opens SSL Web UI with default Port: "3333"
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --ssl [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem]
Opens SSL Web UI with default Port: "3333" & "DISABLE" add commands
Usage: scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --ssl [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem] -block
Opens SSL web UI with alternative Port:
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --ssl -port [port] [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem]
Opens SSL web UI with alternative Port: & "DISABLE" add commands
Usage: scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --ssl -port [port] [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem] -block
Starts SCMD SSL without launching Web UI
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --ssl -port [port] -service [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem]
Starts SCMD SSL without launching Web UI & "DISABLE" add commands
Usage: scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --ssl -port [port] -service [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem] -block
Show local and available scmd version
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --version
Create a copy for the commands database and save it in Home folder
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --copydb
Download all available commands database from online (override locally saved commands)
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --download
Download and upgrade the latest version of the scmd application binary
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --upgrade
Search command based on comma separated pattern(s)
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --search "patterns"
Save new command with description in the local database
Usage: scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --save "command" "description"
This app is also enriched by utilising the "tardigrade-mod" database available for download from
Build and compile scmd from source code will require
* Download and Install -
* Download and Install -
$ git clone
$ cd scmd/
$ go get
$ go build -o scmd-$(uname)-$(uname -m) *.go
$ scmd-$(uname)-$(uname -m) --help