Luxee Bazaar is a desktop page. An e-commers in which you can view a list of products; filter them by category and title. You will also be able to see the details of a product when selecting it, increase or decrease its quantity, add it to the shopping cart and delete it from it.
Luxee Bazaar was built with Typescript and Redux Toolkit.
Implemented React Router Dom (for route management). You will be able to view the main page Home, the Categories and Order summary.
Luxee Bazaar also has:
- A loading skeleton to simulate the loading state while displaying the product list,
- An en/es translation system (i18next) that you can implement using a switch
On your right, in the About section, you will find the link to the application.
Thank you for watching🌸
Musemind UI/UX Agency
Genesis Patiño