Provides a library to create Prometheus histogram directly from ebpf data structures. It depends on aya-rs and Prometheus, and requires familiarity with both APIs.
In cargo.toml
ebpf-histogram-ebpf = "0.1.0"
use ebpf_histogram_ebpf::BpfHistogram;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
#[repr(C)] // You need to make sure the format will be similar betweem user space and ebpf code
pub struct DiskLatencyHistogramKey {
pub major: i32,
pub minor: i32
static BLOCK_HISTOGRAM: BpfHistogram<DiskLatencyHistogramKey> = BpfHistogram::with_max_entries(1000, 0);
pub fn block_rq_complete(ctx: BtfTracePointContext) -> u32 {
let req: *const vmlinux::request = unsafe { ctx.arg(0) };
unsafe {
let timestamp = bpf_ktime_get_ns();
let disk: vmlinux::gendisk = *((*(*req).q).disk);
let latency = timestamp - (*req).io_start_time_ns;
let flags = (*req).cmd_flags & REQ_OP_MASK;
// This is the only code that matters. It tries to copy the API of Prometheus histogram
BLOCK_HISTOGRAM.observe(DiskLatencyHistogramKey{ major: disk.major, minor: disk.minors }, latency);
info!(&ctx, "complete disk {}.{} -> Latency: {}us, (flags: {})", disk.major,disk.minors, latency / 1000, flags);
return 0
In cargo.toml
ebpf-histogram = "0.1.0"
use prometheus::{Opts, Registry, TextEncoder};
use ebpf_histogram::{Histogram, Key, KeyWrapper};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
// #[derive(Key)]
pub struct DiskLatencyHistogramKey {
pub major: i32,
pub minor: i32
unsafe impl Send for DiskLatencyHistogramKey {}
unsafe impl Sync for DiskLatencyHistogramKey {}
unsafe impl Pod for DiskLatencyHistogramKey {}
impl Key for DiskLatencyHistogramKey {
// Inform which labels pairs will be exposed by Prometheus
fn get_label_keys() -> Vec<String> {
return vec!["major".to_string(), "minor".to_string()]
// Transform the key into labels values every time the collection of metrics is done
fn get_label_values(&self) -> Vec<String> {
return vec![self.major.to_string(), self.minor.to_string()]
async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
Main code
// Get the map in common with ebpf code
let map: PerCpuHashMap<_, KeyWrapper<DiskLatencyHistogramKey>, u64> = PerCpuHashMap::try_from(
bpf.take_map("BLOCK_HISTOGRAM").expect("failed to map BLOCK_HISTOGRAM"),
// Define Prometheus configuration for the metric
let bucket_opts = Opts::new("test_latency", "test counter help");
let histogram: Histogram<DiskLatencyHistogramKey> = Histogram::new_from_map(map, bucket_opts);
// The histogran implement Collect so it can be used like a regular Prometheus metric
let r = Registry::new();
// See the documentation of Rust Prometheus to see how to use the metric then
let mut buffer = String::new();
let encoder = TextEncoder::new();
let metric_families = r.gather();
encoder.encode_utf8(&metric_families, &mut buffer).unwrap();
println!("{}", buffer);