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GeoNode restore container

This repo contains docker build config for restore container to be used along with geonode-generic stack


This container is provided to perform restore of backup data produced by geonode-backup container/backup service in geonode-generic stack.

Restore container uses the same volumes as backup, and will restore latest backup data found.

Note: restored stack should have the same name as stack on which backup was performed.

In order to use restore, following conditions must be met:

  • Ensure stack on which data is restored has name is the same as one from which backup is used
  • Ensure you have stack created and running, so all volumes are created
  • Ensure backup is copied to dbbackup volume (usually in /var/lib/docker/volumes/$geonode-generic-stack-name_dbbackups_$random../ dir)
  • Ensure that only backup you want to restore is present in backup data, or it’s the latest available backup you want to restore.

To restore data, perform following steps:

  • Ensure you have backup from stack in persistent location
  • Start new stack with the same name as one from which backup is used
  • Copy data into backup volume. Mind that paths should be preserved.
  • Ensure there’s no fs/$tstamp/data-$tstamp.tar.gz.marker nor pg/$tstamp/pg_dumpall-$tstamp.gz.marker files in backup data.
  • Stop django and geoserver containers.
  • Start restore container and wait for it to stop.
  • Start django and geoserver containers.

When restore container processes backup data, it will leave marker file in the path. Marker file is a file with name of data file from backup with .marker suffix, for example: /mnt/volumes/backups/geonode-generic/pg/20180508/pg_dumpall-2018_05_08_0202_01.gz will have /mnt/volumes/backups/geonode-generic/pg/20180508/pg_dumpall-2018_05_08_0202_01.gz.marker file accompanying if it was restored. If marker file will be removed, restore container may reprocess it in next run.

If no usable backup data was found or there's a marker file on latest backup available, restore will not perform any operation.

Restore container requires several elemnts to work correctly:

  • persistent storages:

    • GeoServer data in /mnt/volumes/data/
    • GeoNode statics and uploads in /mnt/volumes/statics/
    • backups storage in /mnt/volumes/backups/
  • environment variables:

    • RANCHER_STACK - name of stack in which container is run
    • RANCHER_ENV - name of environment in which stack is run
    • PGUSER, PGHOST, PGPASSWORD, PGOPTIONS - postgresql client connection parameters (PGUSER and PGHOST should be enough in base scenario)
    • TARGET_DIR - optional, alternative base path for backups storage


Restore geonode-generic container






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