A new users indication program.
The configuration of the application is in the file configuration.py
- DATABASE_URL = Complete database url, like:
- ENDPOINT_CALLBACK_CREDIT_ON_SIGNUP: Url that the endpoint /signup will invoke
Obs: All configuration variables must be set with environment variables
The Referral API runs with Flask 0.11+ on Python 3.5+. This uses MongoDB as your database.
To create the development environment and run the application use the following commands:
$ mkvirtualenv referral-api
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ export FLASK_APP=referralapi
$ flask run
POST /program/
- name: name of the new referral program
- credit_value: Amount value that tue indicated user receives at signup
- target_value: Amount value that the indicator user receives when user_indicated reaches this value.
return: The data of the new record created
GET /program/
params : -
return: All referral programs on the database
GET /program/<program_id>/
params: -
return: The data of the specified referral program
PUT /program/<program_id>/ (Update record)
- name
- credit_value
- target_value
return: The data of the new record updated
DELETE /program/<program_id>/ (Delete record)
params: -
return: -
POST /register/
- user_indicator: user.user_hash do novo usuario quer fez signup (indicado)
- user_indicated: user.user_hash do usuario que indicou o novo cliente (indicador)
return: The data of the new saved user
PUT /invoice/user/<user_hash>/
- user_hash
- total_amount_paid -
{ acquired_credit: 999 }
GET /statement/<userhash>/
- user_hash
- {potencial_credit, referral_program: {}}
POST /emailindication
- user_indicator
- emails -> List of emails, spareted by comma
return: Code 201 - Saved, with saved emails list
POST /emailverification
- emails -> List of emails, spareted by comma
- List of information {'<email_verified>':'<user_indicator>'}
Method of the billing application that receives the new credit value of the user.
Configured on the `ENDPOINT_CALLBACK_CREDIT_ON_SIGNUP` environment variable.
Http method: POST
Parameters sent:
- amount: referral_program.target_value,
- program_name: referral_program.name,
- user_indicator_hash: user_hash