This demo using stdout of raspivid and sends raw JPEG images to webpage in binary mode without any conversion to base64 and back.
$ curl -o
$ unzip -d rpimjpeg
$ cd rpimjpeg
$ npm install
$ node server.js
Open webpage http://your-rpi-ip-address:8080
The frames capturing by pi-camera-connect library as node.js Buffers:
streamCamera.on('frame', data => {
// data is JPEG image as Buffer
Then you can send these buffers as binary data over websockets to client webpage:
ws.send(data, {binary: true});
On client side you can cast this node.js Buffer directly to browser-JS arraybuffer cause on low-level they are both arrays of Uint8:
ws.onmessage = (event) => {
var arrayBufferView = new Uint8Array(;
Then we tell browser to treat this arraybuffer as Blob object with JPEG data in it:
var blob = new Blob([ arrayBufferView ], { type: "image/jpeg" });
So we have image on client side and can draw it, save or anything. This demo uses canvas to draw frames.
If you getting error like this on starting demo:
% Error opening camera: Error: Could not determine JPEG signature. Unknown system model 'BCM2835 - Pi 2 Model B'
You need to change file node_modules\pi-camera-connect\dist\lib\stream-camera.js like this (issue):
switch (systemInfo.model) {
case 'BCM2835 - Pi Zero':
case 'BCM2835 - Pi Zero W':
case 'BCM2835 - Pi 2 Model B':
case 'BCM2835 - Pi 3 Model B':
case 'BCM2835 - Pi 3 Model B+':
case 'BCM2835 - Pi 4 Model B':
Or send PR to original lib.