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1006 lines (746 loc) · 67.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1006 lines (746 loc) · 67.1 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
getAsyncReportById GET /reporting/async_reports/{report_id} Gets a single asynchronous report.
getAsyncReportDataById GET /reporting/async_reports/{report_id}/data Gets the data of an asynchronous report.
getAsyncReports GET /reporting/async_reports Lists asynchronous reports.
getDeliveryReportsDetail GET /reporting/delivery_reports/detail Returns a list of delivery reports
getDeliveryReportsSummary GET /reporting/delivery_reports/summary Returns a summarised report of delivery reports
getMetadataKeys GET /reporting/{messageType}/metadata/keys Returns a list of metadata keys
getReceivedMessagesDetail GET /reporting/received_messages/detail Returns a list message received
getReceivedMessagesSummary GET /reporting/received_messages/summary Returns a summarised report of messages received
getSentMessagesDetail GET /reporting/sent_messages/detail Returns a list of message sent
getSentMessagesSummary GET /reporting/sent_messages/summary Returns a summarised report of messages sent
submitAsyncDeliveryReportsDetail POST /reporting/delivery_reports/detail/async Submits a request to generate an async detail report
submitDeliveryReportsSummary POST /reporting/delivery_reports/summary/async Submits a summarised report of delivery reports
submitReceivedMessagesDetail POST /reporting/received_messages/detail/async Submits a request to generate an async detail report
submitReceivedMessagesSummary POST /reporting/received_messages/summary/async Submits a summarised report of received messages
submitSentMessagesDetail POST /reporting/sent_messages/detail/async Submits a request to generate an async detail report
submitSentMessagesSummary POST /reporting/sent_messages/summary/async Submits a summarised report of sent messages


\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReport getAsyncReportById($report_id)

Gets a single asynchronous report.

This endpoints shows information of a single requested asynchronous report.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$report_id = "report_id_example"; // string | Unique ID of the async report

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getAsyncReportById($report_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->getAsyncReportById: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
report_id string Unique ID of the async report

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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\SplFileObject getAsyncReportDataById($report_id)

Gets the data of an asynchronous report.

This endpoints gets the data of an asynchronous report as a download.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$report_id = "report_id_example"; // string | Unique ID of the async report

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getAsyncReportDataById($report_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->getAsyncReportDataById: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
report_id string Unique ID of the async report

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\InlineResponse200 getAsyncReports($page, $page_size)

Lists asynchronous reports.

This endpoint lists all the requested asynchronous reports.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$page = 56; // int | Page number for paging through paginated result sets.
$page_size = 56; // int | Number of results to return in a page for paginated result sets.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getAsyncReports($page, $page_size);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->getAsyncReports: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
page int Page number for paging through paginated result sets. [optional]
page_size int Number of results to return in a page for paginated result sets. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\DeliveryReports getDeliveryReportsDetail($end_date, $start_date, $accounts, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $status_code, $status, $statuses, $page, $page_size, $sort_by, $sort_direction, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone)

Returns a list of delivery reports

Returns a detailed list of all delivery reports received during the specified time


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$end_date = "end_date_example"; // string | End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$start_date = "start_date_example"; // string | Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$accounts = "accounts_example"; // string | Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts.
$destination_address_country = "destination_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address country.
$destination_address = "destination_address_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address.
$message_format = "message_format_example"; // string | Filter results by message format.
$metadata_key = "metadata_key_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key.
$metadata_value = "metadata_value_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided.
$status_code = "status_code_example"; // string | Filter results by message status code.
$status = "status_example"; // string | Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with statuses.
$statuses = array("statuses_example"); // string[] | Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with status.
$page = 56; // int | Page number for paging through paginated result sets.
$page_size = 56; // int | Number of results to return in a page for paginated result sets.
$sort_by = "sort_by_example"; // string | Field to sort results set by
$sort_direction = "sort_direction_example"; // string | Order to sort results by.
$source_address_country = "source_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by source address country.
$source_address = "source_address_example"; // string | Filter results by source address.
$timezone = "timezone_example"; // string | The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getDeliveryReportsDetail($end_date, $start_date, $accounts, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $status_code, $status, $statuses, $page, $page_size, $sort_by, $sort_direction, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->getDeliveryReportsDetail: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
end_date string End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
start_date string Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
accounts string Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts. [optional]
destination_address_country string Filter results by destination address country. [optional]
destination_address string Filter results by destination address. [optional]
message_format string Filter results by message format. [optional]
metadata_key string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key. [optional]
metadata_value string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided. [optional]
status_code string Filter results by message status code. [optional]
status string Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with statuses. [optional]
statuses string[] Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with status. [optional]
page int Page number for paging through paginated result sets. [optional]
page_size int Number of results to return in a page for paginated result sets. [optional]
sort_by string Field to sort results set by [optional]
sort_direction string Order to sort results by. [optional]
source_address_country string Filter results by source address country. [optional]
source_address string Filter results by source address. [optional]
timezone string The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\SummaryReport getDeliveryReportsSummary($end_date, $group_by, $start_date, $accounts, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $status_code, $status, $statuses, $summary_by, $summary_field, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone)

Returns a summarised report of delivery reports

Returns a summarised report of all delivery reports received during the specified time, grouped by by the specified grouping parameter


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$end_date = "end_date_example"; // string | End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$group_by = array("group_by_example"); // string[] | List of fields to group results set by
$start_date = "start_date_example"; // string | Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$accounts = "accounts_example"; // string | Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts.
$destination_address_country = "destination_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address country.
$destination_address = "destination_address_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address.
$message_format = "message_format_example"; // string | Filter results by message format.
$metadata_key = "metadata_key_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key.
$metadata_value = "metadata_value_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided.
$status_code = "status_code_example"; // string | Filter results by message status code.
$status = "status_example"; // string | Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with statuses.
$statuses = array("statuses_example"); // string[] | Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with status.
$summary_by = "summary_by_example"; // string | Function to apply when summarising results
$summary_field = "summary_field_example"; // string | Field to summarise results by
$source_address_country = "source_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by source address country.
$source_address = "source_address_example"; // string | Filter results by source address.
$timezone = "timezone_example"; // string | The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getDeliveryReportsSummary($end_date, $group_by, $start_date, $accounts, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $status_code, $status, $statuses, $summary_by, $summary_field, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->getDeliveryReportsSummary: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
end_date string End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
group_by string[] List of fields to group results set by
start_date string Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
accounts string Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts. [optional]
destination_address_country string Filter results by destination address country. [optional]
destination_address string Filter results by destination address. [optional]
message_format string Filter results by message format. [optional]
metadata_key string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key. [optional]
metadata_value string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided. [optional]
status_code string Filter results by message status code. [optional]
status string Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with statuses. [optional]
statuses string[] Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with status. [optional]
summary_by string Function to apply when summarising results [optional]
summary_field string Field to summarise results by [optional]
source_address_country string Filter results by source address country. [optional]
source_address string Filter results by source address. [optional]
timezone string The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\MetadataKeysResponse getMetadataKeys($message_type, $start_date, $end_date, $accounts, $timezone)

Returns a list of metadata keys

Returns a list of all metadata keys used for the specified message type during the specified time. Results are limited to 100 keys.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$message_type = "message_type_example"; // string | Message type. Possible values are sent messages, received messages and delivery receipts.
$start_date = "start_date_example"; // string | Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$end_date = "end_date_example"; // string | End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$accounts = "accounts_example"; // string | Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts.
$timezone = "timezone_example"; // string | The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getMetadataKeys($message_type, $start_date, $end_date, $accounts, $timezone);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->getMetadataKeys: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
message_type string Message type. Possible values are sent messages, received messages and delivery receipts.
start_date string Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
end_date string End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
accounts string Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts. [optional]
timezone string The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\ReceivedMessages getReceivedMessagesDetail($end_date, $start_date, $accounts, $action, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $page, $page_size, $sort_by, $sort_direction, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone)

Returns a list message received

Returns a detailed list of all message received during the specified time


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$end_date = "end_date_example"; // string | End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$start_date = "start_date_example"; // string | Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$accounts = "accounts_example"; // string | Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts.
$action = "action_example"; // string | Filter results by the action that was invoked for this message.
$destination_address_country = "destination_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address country.
$destination_address = "destination_address_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address.
$message_format = "message_format_example"; // string | Filter results by message format.
$metadata_key = "metadata_key_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key.
$metadata_value = "metadata_value_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided.
$page = 56; // int | Page number for paging through paginated result sets.
$page_size = 56; // int | Number of results to return in a page for paginated result sets.
$sort_by = "sort_by_example"; // string | Field to sort results set by
$sort_direction = "sort_direction_example"; // string | Order to sort results by.
$source_address_country = "source_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by source address country.
$source_address = "source_address_example"; // string | Filter results by source address.
$timezone = "timezone_example"; // string | The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getReceivedMessagesDetail($end_date, $start_date, $accounts, $action, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $page, $page_size, $sort_by, $sort_direction, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->getReceivedMessagesDetail: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
end_date string End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
start_date string Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
accounts string Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts. [optional]
action string Filter results by the action that was invoked for this message. [optional]
destination_address_country string Filter results by destination address country. [optional]
destination_address string Filter results by destination address. [optional]
message_format string Filter results by message format. [optional]
metadata_key string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key. [optional]
metadata_value string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided. [optional]
page int Page number for paging through paginated result sets. [optional]
page_size int Number of results to return in a page for paginated result sets. [optional]
sort_by string Field to sort results set by [optional]
sort_direction string Order to sort results by. [optional]
source_address_country string Filter results by source address country. [optional]
source_address string Filter results by source address. [optional]
timezone string The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\SummaryReport getReceivedMessagesSummary($end_date, $group_by, $start_date, $accounts, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $summary_by, $summary_field, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone)

Returns a summarised report of messages received

Returns a summarised report of all messages received during the specified time, grouped by by the specified grouping parameter


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$end_date = "end_date_example"; // string | End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$group_by = array("group_by_example"); // string[] | List of fields to group results set by
$start_date = "start_date_example"; // string | Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$accounts = "accounts_example"; // string | Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts.
$destination_address_country = "destination_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address country.
$destination_address = "destination_address_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address.
$message_format = "message_format_example"; // string | Filter results by message format.
$metadata_key = "metadata_key_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key.
$metadata_value = "metadata_value_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided.
$summary_by = "summary_by_example"; // string | Function to apply when summarising results
$summary_field = "summary_field_example"; // string | Field to summarise results by
$source_address_country = "source_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by source address country.
$source_address = "source_address_example"; // string | Filter results by source address.
$timezone = "timezone_example"; // string | The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getReceivedMessagesSummary($end_date, $group_by, $start_date, $accounts, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $summary_by, $summary_field, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->getReceivedMessagesSummary: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
end_date string End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
group_by string[] List of fields to group results set by
start_date string Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
accounts string Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts. [optional]
destination_address_country string Filter results by destination address country. [optional]
destination_address string Filter results by destination address. [optional]
message_format string Filter results by message format. [optional]
metadata_key string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key. [optional]
metadata_value string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided. [optional]
summary_by string Function to apply when summarising results [optional]
summary_field string Field to summarise results by [optional]
source_address_country string Filter results by source address country. [optional]
source_address string Filter results by source address. [optional]
timezone string The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\SentMessages getSentMessagesDetail($end_date, $start_date, $accounts, $delivery_report, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $status_code, $status, $statuses, $page, $page_size, $sort_by, $sort_direction, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone)

Returns a list of message sent

Returns a detailed list of all message sent during the specified time


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$end_date = "end_date_example"; // string | End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$start_date = "start_date_example"; // string | Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$accounts = "accounts_example"; // string | Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts.
$delivery_report = true; // bool | Filter results by delivery report.
$destination_address_country = "destination_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address country.
$destination_address = "destination_address_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address.
$message_format = "message_format_example"; // string | Filter results by message format.
$metadata_key = "metadata_key_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key.
$metadata_value = "metadata_value_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided.
$status_code = "status_code_example"; // string | Filter results by message status code.
$status = "status_example"; // string | Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with statuses.
$statuses = array("statuses_example"); // string[] | Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with status.
$page = 56; // int | Page number for paging through paginated result sets.
$page_size = 56; // int | Number of results to return in a page for paginated result sets.
$sort_by = "sort_by_example"; // string | Field to sort results set by
$sort_direction = "sort_direction_example"; // string | Order to sort results by.
$source_address_country = "source_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by source address country.
$source_address = "source_address_example"; // string | Filter results by source address.
$timezone = "timezone_example"; // string | The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getSentMessagesDetail($end_date, $start_date, $accounts, $delivery_report, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $status_code, $status, $statuses, $page, $page_size, $sort_by, $sort_direction, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->getSentMessagesDetail: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
end_date string End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
start_date string Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
accounts string Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts. [optional]
delivery_report bool Filter results by delivery report. [optional]
destination_address_country string Filter results by destination address country. [optional]
destination_address string Filter results by destination address. [optional]
message_format string Filter results by message format. [optional]
metadata_key string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key. [optional]
metadata_value string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided. [optional]
status_code string Filter results by message status code. [optional]
status string Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with statuses. [optional]
statuses string[] Filter results by message status. Can't be combined with status. [optional]
page int Page number for paging through paginated result sets. [optional]
page_size int Number of results to return in a page for paginated result sets. [optional]
sort_by string Field to sort results set by [optional]
sort_direction string Order to sort results by. [optional]
source_address_country string Filter results by source address country. [optional]
source_address string Filter results by source address. [optional]
timezone string The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\SummaryReport getSentMessagesSummary($end_date, $group_by, $start_date, $accounts, $delivery_report, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $summary_by, $summary_field, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $status_code, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone)

Returns a summarised report of messages sent

Returns a summarised report of all messages sent during the specified time, grouped by by the specified grouping parameter


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$end_date = "end_date_example"; // string | End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$group_by = array("group_by_example"); // string[] | List of fields to group results set by
$start_date = "start_date_example"; // string | Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss\", e.g. \"2017-02-10T13:30:00\".
$accounts = "accounts_example"; // string | Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts.
$delivery_report = true; // bool | Filter results by delivery report.
$destination_address_country = "destination_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address country.
$destination_address = "destination_address_example"; // string | Filter results by destination address.
$summary_by = "summary_by_example"; // string | Function to apply when summarising results
$summary_field = "summary_field_example"; // string | Field to summarise results by
$message_format = "message_format_example"; // string | Filter results by message format.
$metadata_key = "metadata_key_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key.
$metadata_value = "metadata_value_example"; // string | Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided.
$status_code = "status_code_example"; // string | Filter results by message status code.
$source_address_country = "source_address_country_example"; // string | Filter results by source address country.
$source_address = "source_address_example"; // string | Filter results by source address.
$timezone = "timezone_example"; // string | The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'.

try {
    $result = $api_instance->getSentMessagesSummary($end_date, $group_by, $start_date, $accounts, $delivery_report, $destination_address_country, $destination_address, $summary_by, $summary_field, $message_format, $metadata_key, $metadata_value, $status_code, $source_address_country, $source_address, $timezone);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->getSentMessagesSummary: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
end_date string End date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
group_by string[] List of fields to group results set by
start_date string Start date time for report window. By default, the timezone for this parameter will be taken from the account settings for the account associated with the credentials used to make the request, or the account included in the Account parameter. This can be overridden using the timezone parameter per request. The date must be in the format of &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss&quot;, e.g. &quot;2017-02-10T13:30:00&quot;.
accounts string Filter results by a specific account. By default results will be returned for the account associated with the authentication credentials and all sub accounts. [optional]
delivery_report bool Filter results by delivery report. [optional]
destination_address_country string Filter results by destination address country. [optional]
destination_address string Filter results by destination address. [optional]
summary_by string Function to apply when summarising results [optional]
summary_field string Field to summarise results by [optional]
message_format string Filter results by message format. [optional]
metadata_key string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key. [optional]
metadata_value string Filter results for messages that include a metadata key containing this value. If this parameter is provided, the metadata_key parameter must also be provided. [optional]
status_code string Filter results by message status code. [optional]
source_address_country string Filter results by source address country. [optional]
source_address string Filter results by source address. [optional]
timezone string The timezone to use for the context of the request. If provided this will be used as the timezone for the start date and end date parameters, and all datetime fields returns in the response. The timezone should be provided as a IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) time zone database zone name, i.e. 'Australia/Melbourne'. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReportResponse submitAsyncDeliveryReportsDetail($async_delivery_report_detail_request)

Submits a request to generate an async detail report

Submits a request to generate an async detail report of all delivery reports received during the specified time.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$async_delivery_report_detail_request = new \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncDeliveryReportDetailRequest(); // \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncDeliveryReportDetailRequest | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->submitAsyncDeliveryReportsDetail($async_delivery_report_detail_request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->submitAsyncDeliveryReportsDetail: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
async_delivery_report_detail_request \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncDeliveryReportDetailRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReportResponse submitDeliveryReportsSummary($async_delivery_reports_summary_request)

Submits a summarised report of delivery reports

Submits a request to generate an async summary report of all delivery reports during the specified time.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$async_delivery_reports_summary_request = new \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncDeliveryReportsSummaryRequest(); // \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncDeliveryReportsSummaryRequest | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->submitDeliveryReportsSummary($async_delivery_reports_summary_request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->submitDeliveryReportsSummary: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
async_delivery_reports_summary_request \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncDeliveryReportsSummaryRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReportResponse submitReceivedMessagesDetail($async_received_messages_detail_request)

Submits a request to generate an async detail report

Submits a request to generate an async detail report of all received messages during the specified time.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$async_received_messages_detail_request = new \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReceivedMessagesDetailRequest(); // \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReceivedMessagesDetailRequest | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->submitReceivedMessagesDetail($async_received_messages_detail_request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->submitReceivedMessagesDetail: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
async_received_messages_detail_request \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReceivedMessagesDetailRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReportResponse submitReceivedMessagesSummary($async_received_messages_summary_request)

Submits a summarised report of received messages

Submits a request to generate an async summary report of all received messages during the specified time.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$async_received_messages_summary_request = new \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReceivedMessagesSummaryRequest(); // \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReceivedMessagesSummaryRequest | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->submitReceivedMessagesSummary($async_received_messages_summary_request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->submitReceivedMessagesSummary: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
async_received_messages_summary_request \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReceivedMessagesSummaryRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReportResponse submitSentMessagesDetail($async_sent_messages_detail_request)

Submits a request to generate an async detail report

Submits a request to generate an async detail report of all sent messages during the specified time.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$async_sent_messages_detail_request = new \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncSentMessagesDetailRequest(); // \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncSentMessagesDetailRequest | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->submitSentMessagesDetail($async_sent_messages_detail_request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->submitSentMessagesDetail: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
async_sent_messages_detail_request \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncSentMessagesDetailRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


\MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncReportResponse submitSentMessagesSummary($async_delivery_sent_messages_request)

Submits a summarised report of sent messages

Submits a request to generate an async summary report of all sent messages during the specified time.


require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic

$api_instance = new MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Api\MessagingReportsApi();
$async_delivery_sent_messages_request = new \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncDeliverySentMessagesRequest(); // \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncDeliverySentMessagesRequest | 

try {
    $result = $api_instance->submitSentMessagesSummary($async_delivery_sent_messages_request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling MessagingReportsApi->submitSentMessagesSummary: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Name Type Description Notes
async_delivery_sent_messages_request \MessageMedia\RESTAPI\Model\AsyncDeliverySentMessagesRequest

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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