Just a quick starter project for express / react projects using ES6 / Babel and various gulp tasks for building.
You should use nodemon to monitor the dist folder:
npm install -g nodemon
Once you have installed nodemon and built using the gulp tasks below just cd to the dist folder and run the server up via nodemon:
nodemon server.js
gulp (default)
Builds and saves everything to the dist folder
gulp dev
Starts a bunch of watch tasks that monitor server and client side JS and SASS files, compiling when changed.
gulp clean
Clears out the dist folder
gulp compile_server_js
Compiles the ES6 server js files and saves to the dist folder
gulp compile_client_js
Compiles the JS (react stuff) from the client folder and saves to dist
gulp copy_server_src
Copies the non JS server files to the dist directory
gulp sass
Compiles the sass - autoprefixer and sourcemaps on by default