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Security: go-compile/localrelay

Security Policy


  • DO NOT OPEN A GITHUB ISSUE OR PULL REQUEST (unless following reporting method B).
  • PROVIDE REQUIRED DETAILS (listed bellow).

Supported Versions

Only the latest version is supported for security updates.

Reporting a Vulnerability

When reporting a vulnerability (vuln) you must provide at-lest the following:

  • Vulnerability type/classification
  • Is it a dependency? (true/false)
  • Affected component (source file, function or route)
  • Impact (what happens when exploited)
  • Justify importance (only if the vuln is obscure and has no CWE identifier)
  • Impacted version (version number or git commit hash)
  • Impacted platforms (windows, mac, linux, openbsd etc)

Recommended including:

  • Poof of Concept
  • Explanation of attack and how to reproduce
  • Patch


If you obtain a CVE for a vulnerability found in this repository please contact me with the CVE identifier.

Reporting Method A

To report a vulnerability, navigate the Localrelay's Github repository. Here you will find a tab called "security", next privately submit a vulnerability via Github's built in system.

Reporting Method B

Alternatively, find my contact details are (signed and) provided at However, there is guarantee no I will see your message. Resulting, you are recommended to make a public issue which only asks for my contact information. Do not: (1) make a public issue disclosing the vuln, (2) make a public issue stating there is a vuln.


Full disclosure, opposed to responsible disclosure (privately reporting and awaiting a patch), is ill-advised. Upon notification of a vulnerability (in-private), a patch will be issued with upmost urgency in a timely manor, thus no need for full-disclosure. However, if you do opt for full-disclosure, please still contact me and provide access to the publication material.

There aren’t any published security advisories