Maintained by @goci-io/prp-terraform
This module provisions an en- and decryption Lambda using the Node.js AWS SDK with an AWS KMS key. Additionally a log group is created for each lambda with a retention of 5 days. Key rotation is enabled. A role which allows the Lambda to en- and decrypt valus and write to the log group is assigned as lambda execution role.
Checkout the encryption or decryption source code.
module "encryption" {
source = "git::<latest-version>"
namespace = "goci"
stage = "staging"
region = "eu1"
For more examples look into the terraform.tfvars example.
Keep in mind that your encrypted values will be stored in your Terraform state file. Make sure to have an encrypted backend configured to store the state. For example you can use the s3 tfstate-backend module to provision an encrypted S3 Bucket as backend.
To store encrypted values in your repository you need to encrypt the value manually by using the encryption lambda.
You can also use the provided Makefile to en- or decrypt values using make encrypt
and make decrypt
You may also provide STAGE
argument to make
to build the correct lambda function name.
-- or --
- Go to Lambda
- Choose encrypt or decrypt function
- Create a new test payload (see below)
- Execute the test and grab the result
- Delete your test!!!
Example payload:
"secret-1": "my-secret",
"secret-2": "..."
This module is mainly designed to be used in Terraform. You can either build the lambda function name by relying on the convention applied to the name or import it from remote state.
The convention applied to the lambda function name follows this: <namespace>-<stage>-<name>-<attributes>-[encrypt|decrypt]
The name defaults to encryption
. An example could be goci-staging-encryption-encrypt
When using the remote state to import the function name you can use something like:
data "terraform_remote_state" "encryption" {
backend = "s3"
config {
bucket = var.tf_bucket
key = "encryption/eu1.tfstate"
Accept a variable of an encrypted value in your
Send the encrypted variable to the decrypt lambda. Store the result safely or just use it for the moment.
# Example for decrypting a single value
data "aws_lambda_invocation" "decrypt_pwd" {
input = "{\"value\": \"${var.encrypted_value}\"}"
function_name = "${data.terraform_remote_state.encryption.outputs.decrypt_function}"
# Result
locals {
lambda_payload = {
list = [
{ key-1 = "my secret" },
{ key-2 = "another secret" },
map = {
key-3 = "secret in a map",
key-4 = "another secret in a map"
# Invoce the desired lambda function to retrieve values
data "aws_lambda_invocation" "encrypt_values" {
input = jsonencode(local.lambda_payload)
function_name = data.terraform_remote_state.encryption.outputs.encrypt_function
# Result: