This is a Google Chrome App that consumes Google news RSS feeds for easy viewing of new stories. It supports localization and will automatically detect the users language settings providing feeds from the source that best matches their language.
To run this Google Chrome App you will need to have the latest Google Chrome Canary installed with a few of the options changed. Open the chrome://flags/ page and enable the following settings:
- Experimental Extension APIs
Open extension settings (select the Chrome wrench tool > Tools > Extensions) and Check "Developer mode".
To load the application click the "Load unpacked extension..." button in the extension settings and brows to the "app" folder within the codebase. Finally open a new tab and you should see the application icon on the home screen, click it to launch.
The main readme is available at Each source file is documented inline with the code using Paige.js.
- background.js
- app.js
- setup.js
- foreground-setup.js
- background-setup.js
- models/
- views/
- lib/
- feedParsers/
The source code for this project is available on Github at
The app comes ready to run, if you wish to rebuild the templates or documentation you will need a working node.js installation along with the Jake package which can be installed using
npm install -g jake
To see a list of tasks run jake -T
. To build the documentation you will need Paige.js installed
Currently Rake is used to run the test suite so ruby 1.9.3 will need to be installed with ruby gems and bundler. Then run rake jasmine
to get the Jasmine server running.
This Google Chrome App was developed by Jamie Dyer and Chris Garrett
The application is built using backbone.js and generally follows the conventions from Backbone patterns. The following application structure is used
app/ # this is where the applications code lives
_locals/ # contains all of the localization files
lib/ # library code including the Google new feed parser
models/ # backbone models and collections
templates/ # underscore template source files
vendor/ # external libraries required by the application
views/ # backbone views
app.js # defines the application namespace and other application level code
background-setup.js # code to initialize the background process
background.js # this launches the main application
settings.json # settings requires for the application to run
setup.js # application initialization code
templates.js # the compiled underscore templates
stylesheets/ # stylesheet files
main.html # html file that runs the application
manifest.json # this is the file that Google Chrome uses to install and run the application
spec/ # the Jasmine test suit
tasks/ # code for jake tasks
- backbone
- underscore
- indexedDB adapter for Backbonejs
- backbone-eventdata
- filer.js
- jquery
- jfeed
- jquery.timeago
- jquery.tinysort
- masonry
- masonry_ordered
- inflection
- hotkeys
## Build and task libraries
Information on Google news feed parameters
- Top Stories
- News Near You
- World
- Business
- U.K.
- Technology
- Entertainment
- Sports
- Science
- Health
- Spotlight
- au - Australia
- in - India
- en_il - Israel
- en_my - Malaysia
- nz - New Zealand
- en_pk - Pakistan
- en_ph - Philippines
- en_sg - Singapore
- ar_me - العالم العربي (Arab world)
- ar_ae - الإمارات (UAE)
- ar_lb - لبنان (Lebanon)
- ar_sa - السعودية (KSA)
- cn - 中国版 (China)
- hk - 香港版 (Hong Kong)
- hi_in - भारत (India)
- ta_in - தமிழ்(India)
- ml_in - മലയാളം (India)
- te_in - తెలుగు (India)
- iw_il - ישראל (Israel)
- jp - 日本 (Japan)
- kr - 한국 (Korea)
- tw - 台灣版 (Taiwan)
- vi_vn - Việt Nam (Vietnam)
### Europe & Africa
- nl_be - België
- fr_be - Belgique
- en_bw - Botswana
- cs_cz - Česká republika
- de - Deutschland
- es - España
- en_et - Ethiopia
- fr - France
- en_gh - Ghana
- en_ie - Ireland
- it - Italia
- en_ke - Kenya
- hu_hu - Magyarország
- fr_ma - Moroc
- en_na - Namibia
- nl_nl - Nederland
- en_ng - Nigeria
- no_no - Norge
- de_at - Österreich
- pl_pl - Polska
- pt-PT_pt - Portugal
- de_ch - Schweiz
- fr_sn - Sénégal
- en_za - South Africa
- fr_ch - Suisse
- sv_se - Sverige
- en_tz - Tanzania
- tr_tr - Türkiye
- en_ug - Uganda
- uk - U.K.
- en_zw - Zimbabwe
- ar_eg - مصر (Egypt)
- el_gr - Ελλάδα (Greece)
- ru_ru - Россия (Russia)
- sr_rs - Србија (Serbia)
- ru_ua - Украина (Ukraine)
- uk_ua - Україна (Ukraine)
- es_ar - Argentina
- pt-BR_br - Brasil
- ca - Canada English
- fr_ca - Canada Français
- es_cl - Chile
- es_co - Colombia
- es_cu - Cuba
- es_us - Estados Unidos
- es_mx - México
- es_pe - Perú
- us - U.S.
- es_ve - Venezuela