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Vertex assembler

The vertex assembler program is defined by the five code sections:

.attributes section

Defines input vertex attributes that will be enabled in the input attributes mask.


	[0] = "position";
	[1] = "color";

Here attributes 0 and 1 will be enable in the input mask.

.exports section

Defines output vertex registers that will be enabled in the output attributes mask.


	[0] = "gl_Position";
	[7] = "vcolor";

Here export registers 0 and 7 will be enable in the output mask.

.constants section

Defines 32bit float constants that will be populated into the constant/uniform vec4 vertex registers.


	[0].y  = 1.5;
	[12].z = -100.0;

Here a float value 1.5 will be loaded to the "y" component of the constant register 0 and value -100.0 to the "z" of register 12.

.uniforms section

Defines locations of uniforms that will be exposed to a shader user.


	[100] = "uniform_100";
	[135] = "uniform_135";

Here two constants locations 100 and 135 will be available for a lookup to a user of the shader program by names "uniform_100" and "uniform_135" respectively.

.asm section

Defines the actual vertex assembler. Instruction consists of the "EXEC" preamble, modifiers given in parens, one vector operation and one scalar operation, a termination semicolon.


There are two kinds of the instruction preamble: a regular "EXEC" and "EXEC_END". The latter will set the instructions "end of program" bit.


  • p.xyzw - predicate swizzle, swizzles the condition register components when performing condition check
  • cs - condition set
  • eq - condition register state test: equal to 0
  • lt - condition register state test: less than 0
  • gt - condition register state test: greater than 0
  • cc - condition check enable
  • cwr - condition register write enable
  • cr=n - selects condition register "n" to use, where "n" is either 0 or 1.
  • export[n]=src - selects export register "n" and it's "src", where "src" is either "vector" or "scalar"


A typical operation takes the following form:

OPCODE rD.mask, -mod(rA.swizzle), -mod(rB.swizzle), -mod(rC.swizzle)
  • OPCODE is one of scalar/vector opcodes.
  • rD mask "xyzw" / "*" defines the write-enable mask.
  • The source register modifier "mod" is optional, where "mod" is "abs" (absolute).
  • The scalar NOPs or vector NOPv operations could be omitted for brevity.
  • Source registers (rA, rB, rC) are: general purpose rN, where N is 0-31; constant c[N], where N is 0-255; attribute a[N], where N is 0-31.
  • Destination register rD is rN or address register A0, depending on the operation.
  • Relative addressing could be applied to the constant, attribute and export registers, hence they are given in square brackets.
  • Source register swizzle "xyzw", swizzles the respective components of the source register.


EXEC(export[A0.z + 3]=vector)
	MOVv r0.x**w, -abs(a[0].xyzw)

Here scalar operation is NOP, vector operation is MOV: the content of "x" and "w" components of an attribute register a0 (absolute'd and negated) will be written to the respective components of the destination register r0, as well as to the export register, which is addressed relatively to the address register A0.z by +3.

Fragment assembler

The fragment assembler is defined by the fragment program parameters, the uniform constants and the instructions.


Fragment program parameters must precede the .constants and .asm sections, they are:

  • alu_buffer_size = N, where N is 1..4 - somewhat defines the number of pixel packets (row registers r[i].xyzw) kept in the ALU buffer.
  • pseq_to_dw_exec_nb = N, where N is 0..? - the number of PSEQ instructions executed before the non-NOP DW operation.


The .constants code section defines the fragment program constants. The postfix of the constant register index defines the format of the float value and it's sub-location within the register value:

  • ".l" and ".h" the float is converted to fx10 and stored in low/high halves of the constant register respectively
  • no postfix - float is converted to fp20

A 32bit raw hex value could be used as well.


	[0]   = 0.1;
	[1].l = 0.2;
	[1].h = -0.3;
	[2]   = 0x12345678;

Here: 0.1 is stored in the uniform register 0 as fp20, 0.2 is stored in the low halve uniform register 1 as fx10, -0.3 is stored in the high halve uniform register 1 as fx10, a raw hex value 0x12345678 is written to the uniform register 2.


The .uniforms code section defines the fragment program uniforms locations that will be exposed to a shader user. Syntax is akin to the .constants section, a uniform location name is given instead of a constant value.


	[0]   = "uniform_0_fp20";
	[1].l = "uniform_1_fx10_low";
	[3].h = "uniform_3_fx10_high;

Here 3 uniforms will be available for a lookup to a shader user:

  • fp20 typed "uniform_0_fp20" of constant 0
  • fx10 typed "uniform_1_fx10_low" of constant 1 low halve
  • fx10 typed "uniform_3_fx10_high" of constant 3 high halve


The .asm section code section defines the actual fragment program instructions. The instruction starts with the "EXEC" preamble, consists of 5 sub-instructions, each representing the respective stage of the fragment processor pipeline, and ends with the termination semicolon.

Fragment instruction takes the following form:

	PSEQ:	OPCODE operands
	MFU:	OPCODE operands
	TEX:	OPCODE operands
		ALU0:	OPCODE operands
		ALU1:	OPCODE operands
		ALU2:	OPCODE operands
		ALU3:	OPCODE operands
	DW:	OPCODE operands

For brevity, "OPCODE operands" could be replaced with a "NOP", so the sub-instruction will be set to the respective No-Operation opcode.



Here all sub-instructions are NOP's.

The instruction schedule allows up to 3 MFU and 3 ALU sub-instructions to be executed in series, as well as skipping them.

To execute more than one MFU and/or ALU instruction in series, additional sub-instruction simply should be appended to the respective stage.


	PSEQ:	OPCODE operands

	MFU:	OPCODE operands
	MFU:	OPCODE operands
	MFU:	OPCODE operands

	TEX:	OPCODE operands

		ALU0:	OPCODE operands
		ALU1:	OPCODE operands
		ALU2:	OPCODE operands
		ALU3:	OPCODE operands
		ALU0:	OPCODE operands
		ALU1:	OPCODE operands
		ALU2:	OPCODE operands
		ALU3:	OPCODE operands

	DW:	OPCODE operands

Here three MFU sub-instructions and two ALU sub-instructions will be executed consecutively.

To skip the MFU and/or ALU stages, i.e. to not schedule them during an exec batch, they (sub-instructions) should omitted from the instruction.


	PSEQ:	OPCODE operands
	TEX:	OPCODE operands
	DW:	OPCODE operands

Here no MFU and no ALU sub-instructions will be scheduled-executed.

For brevity, PSEQ/TEX/DW sub-instructions and ALU_COMPLEMENT could be omitted from the instruction exec batch, they will be NOP's effectively.


	MFU:	OPCODE operands

Here PSEQ/TEX/DW are NOP's, one MFU sub-instruction is scheduled and ALU stage is skipped.

Since not all sub-instructions are known yet, the "OPCODE operands" could be replaced with a raw hex value. The number of the hex words depends on the size of the sub-instruction; for example MFU instruction is 64bit sized, so two hex words, separated by a comma, will be necessary for it.


	MFU:	0x00000000, 0x12345678

Here the MFU sub-instruction is represented in raw by a two hex values, 0x00000000 is a high 64bit halve and 0x12345678 is low.

PSEQ sub-instruction

Opcodes are unknown, available only in a hex form.


	PSEQ:	0x00000000

MFU sub-instruction

The MFU sub-instruction consists of four sub-operations: special function, 2 multipliers and a fetch-interpolate. It takes the following form:

	MFU:	sfu: rcp r4
		mul0: dst0, src0, src1
		mul1: dst0, src0, src1
		ipl: var0, var1, var2, var3

The special function is evaluated first, multipliers second and varyings fetch and interpolate the last.

The special function:

sfu: OPCODE operand
  • OPCODE is one of the MFU special function unit operations. See fragment ISA wiki page for the list of opcodes.
  • operand is a "pixel packet" row register in fp20 format to which the operation will be applied.


mul0: dst0, srcA, srcB
mul1: dst1, srcC, srcD

Multipliers are evaluated simultaneously: dst0 = srcA * srcB, dst1 = srcC * srcD.

  • destination registers:

    • bar - barycentric weight
    • rN - current row register, N is 0..3
    • dstN - raw destination register value, N is 0..7
  • source registers:

    • barN - barycentric coefficient, N is 0..1
    • sfu - result of the SFU operation
    • rN - current row register, N is 0..3
    • srcN - raw source register value, N is 0..7
    • #1 - constant 1.0

The fetch and interpolate:

ipl: mod(tN.fmt), mod(tN.fmt), mod(tN.fmt), mod(tN.fmt)
  • tN.fmt - TRAM row N will be read in as one fp20 or two fx10 (fmt), or could be a NOP to skip the read of a row component. The first tN.fmt operand is the TRAM's row "x" component and so on.
  • an optional sat(tN.fmt) saturate modifier could be applied to the operand


	MFU:	sfu: rcp r4
		mul0: bar, sfu, bar0
		mul1: bar, sfu, bar1
		ipl: t2.fx10, t7.fp20, NOP, sat(t5.fp20)

Here the SFU performs 1.0 / w, multipliers program barycentric weights using SFU result and barycentric cefficients, IPL performs a read from TRAM, interpolates the read components and stores the result into the "pixel packet" r0, r1, r2, r3 row registers.

  • tram2.x read as two fx10 and stored into the r0 of the "pixel packet" row
  • tram7.y read as fp20 and stored into the r1 of the "pixel packet" row
  • the r2 of the "pixel packet" row is untouched
  • tram5.w read as fp20, clamped to 0..1 and stored into the r3 of the "pixel packet" row


	MFU:	sfu: RCP r1

Here a reciprocal operation is applied to the register r1, r1 = 1.0 / r1. Multipliers and interpolation are NOP's.

TEX sub-instruction

Performs texture sampling, takes the following form:

	TEX:	OPCODE rg, ba, texID, s, t, r, lod_bias

Destination and source registers are current row registers r0-r3. Destination registers "rg" and "ba" receive sampled texture RGBA data in fx10 format, there are two possible variants: "r0, r1" or "r2, r3". Opcodes are TEX or TXB. Sources vary with the opcode, they are: texture sampler ID, texture S, T, R coordinates and LOD bias; there are two possible variants of s,t,r,lod sources: "r0, r1, r2, r3" or "r2, r3, r0, r1".

TEX opcode:

LOD bias source register must be omitted, as LOD biasing is disabled.


	TEX:	tex r2, r3, tex14, r0, r1, r2

Here texture data is sampled into r2,r3 row registers from texture unit #14, "s t r" coordinates are passed via r0,r1,r2 row registers. In result, r2.fx10_low contains red; r2.fx10_high green; r3.fx10_low blue and r3.fx10_high alpha channel components.

TXB opcode:

LOD bias source register must be provided, as LOD biasing is enabled.


	TEX:	txb r0, r1, tex3, r0, r1, r2, r3

Here texture data is sampled into r0,r1 row registers from texture unit #3, "s t r" coordinates are passed via r0,r1,r2 row registers, LOD bias is enabled and passed via row register r3. In result, r2.fx10_low contains red; r2.fx10_high green; r3.fx10_low blue and r3.fx10_high alpha channel components.

ALU sub-instruction

The ALU sub-instruction consists of four ALU instructions, one per ALU, and an ALU_COMPLEMENT hex value (one per exec batch).

ALU instruction takes the following form:

OPCODE rDst.mask, -mod(rA)*2-1, -mod(rB)*2-1, -mod(rC)*2-1, -mod(rD)*2-1 (modifier)
  • OPCODE is one of the ALU operations: MAD, MUL, MIN, MAX or CSEL. The MUL operations is effectively a MAD with an "addition disable" bit set.
  • rDst is the destination register; it's mask is 'lh', 'l*', '*h' or '**', where 'l' - enabled write to the low halve, 'h' - to the high and '*' disables the write to the respective halve. The write-mask defines the destination format for the MAD/CSEL instructions: both halves - fp20, one halve - fx10 low/high.
  • rA, rB, rC and rD are the source registers. The format is defined by a register postfix:
    • ".l" - fx10 low halve of the source register is read
    • ".h" - fx10 high halve of the source register is read
    • no postfix - the source register is read as fp20
  • optional operand rX modifier, X is for A-B-C-D:
    • absolute modifier, abs(rX)
    • multiply by 2, rX * 2 (not applicable to rD)
    • decrement by 1.0, rX - 1; only affects the fx10 typed rX
    • negate modifier, -rX (not applicable to rD)
  • optional instruction modifiers are given in parens after the operands:
    • this - Sets "accumulate this" ALU bit.
    • other - Sets "accumulate other" ALU bit.
    • eq - rDst result "equal to 0" ? 1.0 : 0.0.
    • gt - rDst result "greater than 0" ? 1.0 : 0.0.
    • ge - rDst result "greater or equal to 0" ? 1.0 : 0.0.
    • x2 - rDst result multiplied by 2.
    • x4 - rDst result multiplied by 4.
    • /2 - rDst result divided by 2.
    • sat - rDst result is clamped to 0..1.

ALU registers:

  • rN - ALU buffer row register, N is 0..15 (4 registers per row)
  • gN - General purpose register, N is 0..8
  • aluN - ALUN result register, N is 0..3
  • immN - ALU3 immediate constant, N is 0..2
  • lp - Low precision register, the "lp" form is used only for the destination register, while source registers uses "#0" or "#1" form. When rD is set to #1, it's enable bit is unset, making rD 1.0 effectively.
  • uN - Uniform register, N is 0..31
  • crN - Condition register, N is 0..15
  • posx - Fragment position X + 8192.0
  • posy - 8192.0 + (target height - 1) - Fragment position Y
  • pface - Polygon face direction
  • rB / rC - Only applicable to the rD. The rD source is a copy of either ALU source register rB or rC.
  • kill - discard the fragment


		ALU0:	MUL  u3.lh,  r3,         posx,       r1.l - 1,   rB        (x2)(this)
		ALU1:	CSEL cr6,    r2,         u5.h,       #0,         #1
		ALU2:	MIN  r2.*h,  r1,         #1,         r2 * 2,     abs(rC)
		ALU3:	MAD  r2.l*,  r0,         #1,         alu2,       #1

The ALU3 could be traded for the immediate constants, it takes the following form:

imm0 = float, imm1 = float, imm2 = float

If immN is postfix'ed with ".l" / ".h", the fx10 representation of a float value will be loaded into the respective halve of the immediate constant. When not prefix'ed, the fp20 representation is loaded.


		ALU0:	MAD  cr0,    imm0.h,     #1,         imm1,       rB   (gt)
		ALU1:	MAD  lp,     -posx,      #1,         #0,         #1   
		ALU2:	NOP 
		ALU3:	imm0.h = -0.187500, imm1 = 8192.000000

DW sub-instruction

Performs data store to a specified render target. There is only one STORE opcode which takes the following form:

	DW:	store rtX, rA, rB

The content of the source registers rA-rB will be stored to the render target X. The registers values are interpreted as four fx10, i.e. RGBA color. The "rA,rB" are either "r0,r1" or "r2,r3" row registers, render target X is 0-15.


	DW:	store rt1, r2, r3

Here render target 1 will be populated with the values carried in the r2-r3 row registers.

There is a special case of writing to the stencil buffer. The write to the stencil buffer is necessary in case of a late stencil test, i.e. when fragment program performs pixel discard. Instruction takes the following form:

	DW:	store stencil

The operation doesn't take any source registers. The stencil data will be stored to the "stencil" render target 2.

Linker assembler

The linker assembler defines which vertex export registers will be copied to the TRAM, hence the (from)export register-(to)TRAM row locations, to what format the exported vertex register components will be converted during the copying to the TRAM and how the TRAM row component will be interpolated during the rasterization stage of graphics pipeline.

There is only one LINK instruction, which takes the following form:

LINK fmt (mod), fmt (mod), fmt (mod), fmt (mod), tramN.swizzle, exportM (z)
  • fmt - destination TRAM component format:
    • fp20 - 20bit float
    • fx10.l - 10bit fixed point float, the low halve of the TRAM component
    • fx10.h - 10bit fixed point float, the high halve of the TRAM component
    • NOP - the TRAM component is "skipped", i.e. unaffected by the LINK operation
  • mod - interpolation modifiers, given in parens:
    • dis - interpolation disable
  • tramN.swizzle - the TRAM row N, where N is 0..15 and destination components swizzle is "xyzw"
  • exportM - the exported vertex register M, where M is 0..15
  • z - optional modifier, used to pass .z component to the fragment program (select VEC4.x = VEC4.z)


LINK fp20, NOP, fp20 (dis), fx10.h, tram0.ywzx, export1

Here the content of the VEC4 vertex export register 1 copied to the TRAM row 0, so that:

  • export1.x => converted to fp20 => copied to the tram0.y
  • export1.y => skipped => the content of tram0.w is not altered
  • export1.z => converted to fp20 => copied to the tram0.z and interpolation parameter "interpolation disable" is set for the the tram0.z
  • export1.w => converted to fx10 => copied to the high halve of the tram0.x