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@gravity-ui/sdk · npm package CI

SDK implementing work with REST/GRPC APIs


npm install --save-dev @gravity-ui/sdk


You need to import sdkFactory and Schema, and create an instance of the class.

If the schema is not divided into scopes:

import sdkFactory from '@gravity-ui/sdk';
import type Schema from '<schemas package>';

const config = {
  csrfToken: 'secret-token',
  endpoint: '/gateway',

const sdk = sdkFactory<{root: typeof Schema}>(config);

If the schema is divided into scopes:

import sdkFactory from '@gravity-ui/sdk';
import type Schema from '<schemas package>';
import type LocalSchema from '../../shared/schemas';

const config = {
  csrfToken: 'secret-token',
  endpoint: '/gateway',

const sdk = sdkFactory<{root: typeof Schema; local: typeof LocalSchema}>(config);

Structure of config:

import {AxiosRequestConfig} from 'axios';

interface SdkConfig {
  // Custom Axios settings
  axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig;
  // CSRF-token
  csrfToken?: string;
  // The endpoint to which the request from the client will be sent. By default, "/api" is used
  endpoint?: string;
  // Custom error handler. If the configuration is not specified, the default one is used
  handleRequestError?: (error: unknown) => any;

In the code, the invocation of the SDK method looks like this:

sdk.<scope>.<service>.<action>(data, options); // => returns a CancelablePromise

If the default endpoint value /api is specified, the full request path will look like this:


There is a special scope called root. Its methods can be called without explicitly specifying the scope.

The following calls are equivalent:

sdk.root.<service>.<action>(data, options);

sdk.<service>.<action>(data, options);

But the full request path will always include the scope:


Structure of options:

interface SdkOptions {
  // Request identifier. The previous request with the same identifier will be canceled
  concurrentId?: string;
  // Ability to specify a specific number of retries for certain endpoints. By default, the number of retries is 0
  retries?: number;
  // Ability to specify a specific timeout for certain endpoints.
  // By default, the configuration is taken from axiosConfig or set to 60 seconds
  timeout?: number;
  // Ability to specify specific headers when making a call
  headers?: Record<string, unknown>;

Invoking External Methods

Through the sdk, you have the ability to make calls to external methods that are not defined in the schemas. Such a call looks like this:

sdk(config, options);

The argument config has the type AxiosRequestConfig, and the argument options has the type SdkOptions described above.


For the convenience of creating cancelable promises, the package exports a class called CancellablePromise(promise: Promise, cancel: () => void).

Additional methods


Allows setting the user's language, which will be passed to all invoked endpoints through a special accept-language header.


Allows setting base headers that will be passed to all invoked endpoints.