The Ubertooth host utilities in this release require libbtbb-2014-02-R2 or greater.
The release archive is ubertooth-2014-02-R2.tar.xz, it contains binary firmware images and PCB layouts as well as the project source code. The source code links do not include the binary files.
These are just the highlights, for a complete list of changes since the
previous release, see the git commit log.
- Bluetooth Smart (Low Energy) Support
- Promiscuous and follow modes
- Pcap format packet logging
- Pairing / encryption support when paired with crackle
- Credit for BLE features goes to Mike Ryan
- Unified host tool for monitoring Basic Rate
- ubertooth-rx replaces -lap, -uap, -hop tools
- Once UAP is discovered, ubertooth-rx automatically tries to find clock values and begin hopping
- Thanks to Will Code for working on this
- Survey tool - ubertooth-scan
- Combining both Ubertooth and a standard Bluetooth dongle
- Ubertooth scans for non-discoverable master devices
- Dongle probes devices for piconet information and features
- Cmake now used for the build system
- Improves support for non-Linux operating systems
- More sensible handling of dependencies
- New build instructions
- Packaging (Experimental)
- Early stage support for packaging systems
- libbtbb in Homebrew repository, Ubertooth coming soon
- MacPorts availability is under test
- Release already available in Pentoo
- GitHub migration
- libbtbb, Ubertooth and gr-bluetooth all hosted on GitHub
- Allows for more open development and collaboration model
- Already seeing an increase in issue reporting and pull requests