A C++ implementation of Binary Seach Tree.
This implementation has 22 most widely used functions for a BST. You can refer all the supported functions here. This project is done in Visual Studio 2017
and you can directly execute this using the same, or you can use the implemetations directly in other editor by using these header and src files.
This project consists of creation of a binary search tree under c++03 standards,
so anyone having idea with a minimum of C++03 is good to go. The project consists
of atomic, fundamental and application based operations with BST.
The entire project is created in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, so anyone having MVS
can directly view it by opening BST.sln. But the one not having having MVS I strongly
recommend to install it as it seems very professional to work with it and is also
very handy but if you insists using other IDEs or code editors then you just need
header and source folders inside BST folder.
Also the modules are very readable with appropriate variables name so any one who
didn't know about c++ and is from different language but have a good grasp of OOPs
and trees can easily get the intiution of the driving engine i.e., the algorithm
for every operation on BST.
Atleast C++03, Pointers, OOP and intiuation of trees.