egriden is a framework for the Ebitengine game engine, perfect for creating simple grid-based puzzle or strategy games.
Current features:
- A grid layer system
- Levels (aka scenes) and conventional free layers
- "Gobjects" with custom draw and update scripts
- Animatable sprite system with easy loading from PNG files
Instead of the common component approach seen in engines like Unity, it is more akin to GameMaker with how it handles object interactions.
It is an evolution of the messy code base created for TacZ and is currently used by me to create a word-based action puzzle game. Click here to follow development.
Currently unstable! Contributions of any kind are welcome. Check the changelog for updates.
This is meant to be used with (rather than instead of) Ebitengine so follow the installation guide for Ebitengine.
In your go project's directory:
$ go get
or to get the latest development version of this repo:
$ go get
A simple guide of egriden's game structure for drawing based on the gridsweeper example:
Essentially: Levels ∋ Layers ∋ Gobjects ∋ SpritePacks ∋ ImageSequences ∋ Frames
package main
import (
type Game struct {
egriden.EgridenAssets //Add assets needed for Egriden
//Anything else you want here.
func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
g.DrawAllGridLayers(screen) //Draw layers according to their Z order
// or do it your way with g.GridLayer(z).Draw()
func (g *Game) Update() error {
// ... your game logic here
func (g *Game) Layout(outsideWidth, outsideHeight int) (int, int) {
return 320, 320 //Define screen layout
func main(){
g := &Game{}
layer0 := g.CreateSimpleGridLayerOnTop(
"Background", //Name
16, //Pixel size of a tile in the grid
10, 10, //Width and height of the grid
egriden.Sparse, //Draw mode
0, 0) //Draw offset from the top left corner
//Create an image sequence from all the PNGs in a folder
//Image sequences are made of frames, controlled by the frame index
seq, err := egriden.CreateImageSequenceFromFolder("idle", "./Graphics/player/idle/")
if err != nil {
//Create SpritePack with the sequence. A sprite pack can have multiple sequences,
//which can be switched using their names (keys)
playerSprites := egriden.NewSpritePackWithSequence(seq)
//Create Gobject (short for grid object or go object or game object or whatever
//you like) with the ImagePack
goPlayer := egriden.NewBaseGobject("player", playerSprites)
//Add to layer, Build() method needed for a baseGobject, otherwise create your own
//structure for the Gobject interface. You can define update, draw
//functions, sprite drawing options and other fun stuff.
layer0.AddGobject(goPlayer.Build(), 1, 5)
//Run the game
if err = ebiten.RunGame(g); err != nil {
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 and uses components of Ebitengine by Hajime Hoshi, also licensed under the Apache License 2.0.