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Development resources

Ian Young edited this page Oct 2, 2015 · 13 revisions

New to Ruby?

  • Programming Ruby This Pragmatic Programmer book is a good free introduction to ruby. It is based on an older version of ruby (1.6) and will serve as a good introduction. I wouldn't expect that you'd find any differences until you got into the more complex topics. The more recent edition is for sale, if you wish.
  • Try ruby from the comfort of your browser. A nice tutorial to walk you through the basics of Ruby.
  • Ruby Koans Useful if you've seen Ruby before but want to stretch your wings a little.

New to Rails?

  • Rails for Zombies An entertaining and effective tutorial to get you started in Rails.
  • Rails tutorial book A fairly comprehensive walk through of what Rails has to offer.
  • The Rails Book The canonical Rails book. Sadly, not available for free. Has an introduction to ruby in the appendix.

New to Git?

  • The Git branching guide walks you through our workflow for contributing to the project.
  • Github learning course Screencasts + text.
  • Git Introductions A list of many different references, compiled by the makers of Git.
  • Approaches the subject from a slightly different angle. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't.
  • Pro Git Free online book. Very thorough, yet surprisingly readable.

Need help, or just a little encouragement?

Check out the mentor list on [plansdev] and make contact with someone directly.

Once you're up and running


The main docs page is here. I didn't find the 2-minute tutorial very useful, though. The good stuff is in the other links.

  • Core for basic structure and subject stuff
  • Expectations for "should" matchers
  • Rails for Rails-specific stuff.
