In order to setup the back-end server, you'll need a few things to start:
- a postgressql installation (>9.2)
- a postGIS installation (>= 2.0)
- Download and unzip a version of tomcat from, and remember the path
- a clone of the DB (talk to @jtsmn)
- EGit installed in Eclipse
- Maven2Eclipse installed in Eclipse (and a local isntallation of maven).
Once you install PostgreSQL for your system, remember the username and password.
Ensure that you have access to the 'psql' command-line too.
Import the database clone you've received:
psql -U [username] -d [database_name] < database_clone
You can ignore warnings about not having the right user.
Remember which user name, which password, and which database name you used (for the section called "Setting up your pom.xml properly".
In Elipse
Help -> Install New Software...
Search for
and install everything that comes up.
In Eclipse
Help -> Install New Software...
and in the URL box, put
and then install everything that seems related to Maven.
Fork through the GitHub site
In Eclipse
Window -> Show View -> Other
Then search for "git", and chose the 'Git Repositories' view This will open a git repository view, you'll then choose the fourth icon in from the left, that has the tooltip
Clone a Git Repository and add the clone to this view
In the URI field, put
- The rest should fill in. It probably makes sense to save your authenitcation (github username and password) now, but you don't need to.
Click Next
Uncheck all branches, except the 'master' branch (since it's your fork, the rest don't matter).
Click Next
Choose the path where where you want to checkout your clone. Decide if you want to change the name of the 'Remote Name' (you probably don't need to).
- Make sure the "clone submodules" checkbox is checked
Click Finish
Once it finishes cloning your fork:
Navigate that tree, and find the
Working Directory -> backend
Right click, and choose the
Import projects
menu item.
This will present you with an import wizard, choose the
Import as a general project
radio button. Choose 'next', and give your project a name.
This should then create an eclipse project. Right click on it, and choose
Team -> Switch to... -> New Branch
Ensure that "Source ref" is set to
and that the "Checkout new branch" check box is checked.
Name your branch
and then go ahead and finish.
You should now be setup properly to edit the server backed in Eclipse.
For all of the settings below, remember that you DO NOT need the brackets ([]).
- On line 11 of your pom.xml, change where it says '[DB_USERNAME]' to the username you remembered from above
- On line 12, change '[DB_PASSWORD]' to the password you remembered from above
- On line 15, change '[DB_NAME]' to the database username you remembered from above
- On line 105, change '[PATH TO TOMCAT INSTALL]' to the path where you unzipped your tomcat download from above.
Right click on the project you've added, and choose the
menu item. Pick
Convert to Maven project...
and fill in something for the required fields.
Setup a run configuration for this project, using
clean package cargo:start
as the 'Goals'.
This will allow you start the server through eclipse by using the Run Configuration you just setup.