IPAUTH-API is a tool to help in the SSH access control. Add the current requested IP in a 'whitelist' for access SSH port.
How it works:
- Creates a sqlite data base with user details (username, key, skey, old IP and current IP)
- Users must be in the local system
- Uses iptables to control the firewall access for the SSH port
- The owner running the ipauth_api.py must have access to iptables via sudo
Create IPtables chain IPAUTH-API and redirect the SSH port to IPAUTH-API chain
# iptables -A IPAUTH-API -j reject
# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport SSH_PORT -j IPAUTH-API
Add owner file to sudo:
# visudo
// Add the following entry to your sudo file
username ALL= NOPASSWD: /sbin/iptables