A pragmatic and predictable state container utilizing kotlin coroutines.
Heavily inspired by beworker/knot ❤️
import kotlinx.coroutines.cancel
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import se.gustavkarlsson.conveyor.Action
import se.gustavkarlsson.conveyor.Store
import se.gustavkarlsson.conveyor.StoreFlow
import se.gustavkarlsson.conveyor.issue
suspend fun main() {
val store = Store(initialState = 0)
coroutineScope {
// Start processing actions
launch {
// Print state changes
launch {
store.state.collect {
println("State: $it")
// Issue a simple action that sets the state
store.issue { storeFlow ->
storeFlow.update { 100 }
// Issue a more complex action that repeatedly updates the state
store.issue(RepeatingIncrementAction(increment = 1))
// Run for a while
// Cancel the scope, and the store with it
private class RepeatingIncrementAction(
private val increment: Int,
) : Action<Int> {
override suspend fun execute(storeFlow: StoreFlow<Int>) {
while (true) {
storeFlow.update { state ->
state + increment
State: 0
State: 100
State: 101
State: 102
State: 103
State: 104
The library is still under heavy development, but you are welcome to try a SNAPSHOT
To add Conveyor to your project, make sure you have added the Jitpack repository:
repositories {
maven(url = "https://jitpack.io")
Then add the following dependency to your gradle build file:
dependencies {
implementation("com.github.gustavkarlsson.conveyor:conveyor-core:master-SNAPSHOT") // Main library