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UNet with CRF-as-RNN layer

This repository contains the implementation of a UNet with a CRF-as-RNN layer right before the final prediction. The code adapts the CRF-as-RNN implementation provided by M. Monteiro here, but we automatically extract the layer parameters, build the CRF-as-RNN layer, and integrate it in the UNet. This code is meant to make the original CRF-as-RNN implementation fully automatic, witout any need for user interaction.

CRF-as-RNN is applied on the class scores predicted by the UNet on each image pixel: i.e., right before applying the final softmax. After the layer, a softmax is used to extract each class probability.

Before using the code:

  1. Based on the TensorFlow version you are using, you may have to set the flag -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI to 0 or 1. In our case we use -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1; if you want to remove this behaviour you can comment the line: target_compile_options(lattice_filter PUBLIC "-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1") inside of the file: architectures/layers/crf_as_rnn/permutohedral_lattice/CMakeLists.txt. Refer to this github issue for additional information.

  2. Before using, remember to set the C++ and the CUDA compilers you want to use for building the layer inside the file: architectures/layers/crf_as_rnn/permutohedral_lattice/

Refer to architectures/layers/crf_as_rnn/permutohedral_lattice/ for additional details on the layer.

Common issues:

If your building fails, you may have to manually delete the file architectures/layers/crf_as_rnn/permutohedral_lattice/config.txt before compiling the layer again.

If you completely fail using the GPU, the model should still work on CPU. So you can explicitly tell TensorFlow to place the CRF-as-RNN layer computations on the CPU.


The code was developed for semantic segmentation. We report code for running it on the ACDC dataset.

The UNet segmentor with the additional CRF-as-RNN layer can be found under the folder architectures. Here, under the folder architectures/layers you can also find the CRF-as-RNN layer.

The experiment engine is inside expriments/acdc/ This file contains the main class that is used to train on the ACDC dataset.


Code was developed and tested using TensorFlow 1.13 and 1.14. It was tested on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 and TITAN Xp, with Driver Version: 440.95.01 and CUDA Version: 10.2.