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GitHub Project Board Migration Issue

Rabia Shaikh edited this page Aug 7, 2024 · 11 revisions

GitHub Project Board Migration Issue

Template issue to use for cleaning up the project board cards


Prep project boards for Migration


### Overview
We need to prepare the Project Boards for the forced migration that GitHub is doing in August, so that it is already working well for the team by then.

### Action Items
Repeat first 3 steps for each card
- [ ]  copy this template to a comment below
   ### Text from project board card, [Add name of board here], [Add name of column here]
   - [ ] Determine where this item goes on the wiki (page and section)
   - [ ] copy item to wiki
   - [ ] hide this comment when completed.
- [ ] copy the content of the card (by clicking the 3 dots and selecting Edit Note, and then CRTL+C) and paste it into your new comment where it says `[PASTE CARD CONTENT HERE]
- [ ] delete card from project board
- [ ] add project board URL(s) in resources below
- [ ] add the `project board migration` label to this issue
- [ ] add issue to project board
- [ ] move issue to Prioritized Backlog

### Resources/Instructions
Classic Project board URL(s):
- Open:

- Closed:


New Project board URL(s):


Examples of projects that used the template