A simple microservice that uses Lucene to classify inputs
- A Java 11 JDK -- I recommend Azul Zulu, but any compliant JDK should work
- Apache Maven
To build, cd to the checkout directory and:
mvn clean install
java -jar target/simple-classifier-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar [PORT] [FILE]
Where [PORT] is the port number on which you want the service to listen and [FILE] is the path to a Java .properties file in which your categories and classifers are defined.
For example:
shoes=loafers kicks slippers sandals
honorific=mr mrs sr dr mx
The category names are the keys, the values are the queries used to evaluate category membership.
The syntax for the query language can be found at
Once the service is started, it will monitor the file for changes, and reload the definitions as necessary.
If you connect to your host and port with a web browser, you'll be presented with a simple UI for exercising the classifier. The UI will present one input control for each field referenced in the query definition file.
Classification jobs can be sent to the service in three ways:
- as GET requests with plain old URL form-encoded parameters.
- as POST requests with application/x-www-form-urlencoded parameters.
- as POST requests with an application/json body. The body has to be a JSON object at the root level, whose keys and values are stringified bfore presentation to the evaluator.
The response comes in the form of a JSON body of the form:
where "category2" and "shoes" are the names of the categories to which the input matched.