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Migrating from 1.0 stable to 1.1 stable

hardware edited this page Oct 14, 2017 · 18 revisions

Please read this page before to acknowledge all the changes between this two versions.

Backup your docker-compose.yml

cp docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml.bak

Backup your mail volume (e.g. /mnt/docker/mail)

docker-compose stop mailserver
tar --xattrs -czpPf backup.tar.gz /mnt/docker/mail

If a serious problem occurs during update process, you can restore your data with the following command :

tar --xattrs --numeric-owner -xpPzf backup.tar.gz

Pull the latest image

# Pull from
docker pull hardware/mailserver:1.1-stable # Get the stable version (v1.1-stable branch)
docker pull hardware/mailserver:1.1-latest # Get the latest version (master branch)

# or build it manually
docker build -t hardware/mailserver

Update your docker-compose.yml

version: '2.1'                             # <- New docker-compose file version

    image: hardware/mailserver:1.1-stable  # <- New tag
    container_name: mailserver
    domainname: domain.tld
    hostname: mail
      - "25:25"
      - "143:143"
      - "587:587"
      - "993:993"
      - "4190:4190"
    # - "11334:11334"                      # <- New port, not needed if the                         
    environment:                           #    webserver is on the same host
      - DBPASS=xxxxxxx
      - RSPAMD_PASSWORD=xxxxxxx            # <- New required variable
      - /mnt/docker/mail:/var/mail
      - mariadb
      - redis                              # <- New dependency

    image: redis:3.2-alpine		
    container_name: redis		
    command: redis-server --appendonly yes		
      - /mnt/docker/redis/db:/data

      - mailserver                         # <- New dependency
      - postfixadmin
      - rainloop

# Unchanged docker containers : postfixadmin, rainloop, nsd, mariadb

New environment variables

Variable Description Type Default value
REDIS_HOST Redis instance ip/hostname optional redis
REDIS_PORT Redis instance port optional 6379
REDIS_PASS Redis database password optional null
REDIS_NUMB Redis database number optional 0
RSPAMD_PASSWORD Rspamd WebUI and controller password required null
DISABLE_SIGNING Disable DKIM/ARC signing optional false
DISABLE_GREYLISTING Disable greylisting policy optional false
DISABLE_RATELIMITING Disable ratelimiting policy optional false
DISABLE_RSPAMD_MODULE List of disabled modules separated by commas optional null
DISABLE_DNS_RESOLVER Disable the local DNS resolver optional false
ENABLE_ENCRYPTION Enable automatic GPG encryption optional false
PASSWORD_SCHEME Passwords encryption scheme optional SHA512-CRYPT

Removed environment variables

Variable Description Type Default value
DISABLE_SPAMASSASSIN Disable SPAM checking optional false
GREYLISTING Enable greylisting policy server optional off

Removed volumes

  • /etc/opendkim/keys

ℹ️ All DKIM keys are automatically moved to the new location (/var/mail/dkim/domain.tld).

Clean previous container and start the new one

docker-compose stop mailserver
docker-compose rm mailserver
docker-compose up -d

Rspamd WebUI : add a new nginx virtual host

💡 Don't forget to add a new A/CNAME record in your DNS zone.

docker exec -ti nginx ngxproxy

Welcome to ngxproxy utility.
We're about to create a new virtual host (AKA server block).

Name: rspamd
Domain: spam.domain.tld
Webroot (default is /): 
Container: mailserver
Port (default is 80): 11334
HTTPS [y/n]: y
Certificate path: /certs/live/mail.domain.tld/fullchain.pem
Certificate key path: /certs/live/mail.domain.tld/privkey.pem
Secure headers [y/n]: y
Enable HSTS header ? [y/n]: n # Use with caution
Max body size in MB (integer/null): null

Done! rspamd.conf has been generated.
Reload nginx now? [y/n]: y
nginx successfully reloaded.

And request a new Let's Encrypt certificate with xataz/letsencrypt or cerbot to add spam.domain.tld subdomain :

docker-compose nginx stop

docker run -it --rm \
  -v /mnt/docker/nginx/certs:/etc/letsencrypt \
  -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
  xataz/letsencrypt \
    certonly --standalone \
    --rsa-key-size 4096 \
    --agree-tos \
    -m [email protected] \
    -d mail.domain.tld \
    -d webmail.domain.tld \
    -d postfixadmin.domain.tld \
    -d spam.domain.tld

docker-compose up -d

Then try to access to Rspamd WebUI with this URL : https://spam.domain.tld

🎉 It's already done, easy no ? ;-)

Feel free to give your feedback, improve this new version and make suggestions. And have a wonderfull day with your new mail server :)