Open-source R program for researchers to summarize relevant 2022 and 2023 survey statistics for a 172,000-acre conservation area in Colorado. Developed with the Yale School of the Environment as part of The Partnership in Forestry and Rangeland Research Program. Uses dplyr, tidyr, and stringr.
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- Treatment year: The year each plot was treated.
- Treatment type: Types of treatment used within a plot.
- Basal area per acre: Calculates basal area in inches per acre for living trees.
- Average diameter at breast height (DBH): Calculates the average DBH in inches per acre for living trees.
- Average height: Calculates the average height in feet for living trees.
- Dominant tree species: Identifies the dominant tree species per plot, considering survey, frequency, and if the dominant one is less than or equal to 50% frequency, also determines the second-dominant tree species.
- Regeneration presence: Checks if regeneration (saplings or seedlings) is present in each plot.
- Seedlings per acre: Calculates the number of seedlings per acre.
- Dominant regeneration species: Identifies the dominant regeneration (sapling/seedling) species per plot, considering survey, frequency, and if the dominant one is less than or equal to 50% frequency, also determines the second-dominant regeneration species.
- Insect presence: Determines if insect damage is present in each plot (Y/N).
- Browse presence: Identifies if browse damage is present in each plot (Y/N).
- List of damage types: Lists each type of damage present in each plot.
- Basal area per acre: Calculates basal area in inches per acre for living trees.
- Average diameter at breast height (DBH): Calculates the average DBH in inches per acre for living trees.
- Average height: Calculates the average height in feet for living trees.
- Dominant tree species: Identifies the dominant tree species in each stand and calculates the number and percent of plots.
- Regeneration presence: Calculates the number and percent of plots with regeneration (saplings or seedlings) in each stand.
- Seedlings per acre: Calculates the average number of seedlings per acre in each stand.
- Dominant regeneration species: Identifies the dominant regeneration (sapling/seedling) species in each stand and calculates the number and percent of plots.
- Insect damage presence:: Calculates the number and percent of plots with insect damage in each stand.
- Browse damage presence:: Calculates the number and percent of plots with browsing damage in each stand.
- List of damage types: Lists all damage present across all plots within a stand.