App the RobotWebServer that allows saving location of the PR2 in the map (compatible with RoboFlow)
The following packages need to be installed on the system:
- pr2_2dnav
- robot_pose_publisher
- map_server
- tf2_web_republisher
- rosbridge_server
An accurate map of the area is also required. The path to map can be specified in the app.launch file.
There was a problem with using pr2_2dnav on hydro with nodes not being found. If the problem persists (should be fixed in the next deb update), copy bin folders from groovy to hydro for pr2_navigation_self_filter and semantic_point_annotator.
If launching the app on its own (not as part of RWS): on the robot, run
roslaunch rws_pr2_navigation app.launch
roslaunch rws_pr2_navigation websocket.launch
rosrun rws_pr2_navigation
Then open in the browser of your choice.