pomo is a small AVR project thats help you to manage the pomodoro method. Pomodoro is a time management method to increase mental agility.
The pomo device can look like anything but will have 4 leds and 2 buttons to assist you with your time management. First button is a power switch turning the device on and off. The second button is a push button which will break out from a pause and start next pomodoro timer or reset the device starting with a new pomodoro cycle.
The pomo device is battery driven and there for we need a design to extend the battery life. To minimize the current draw each led is displayed @ 50fps and never at the same time. This leaves us with a clock of the main program of 200fps eg. 5ms.
To build the source you need following requirements: make, gnu avr toolchain and avrdude.
To build the program just do:
or if you have the usbtiny programmer just do:
make upload FILE="pomodoro.hex"