This is the Dockerfile to build a Docker image for the Climate Data Operators (CDO) software, based on the Node 20 Alpine and Node 20 Bookworm images, it includes the following packages:
- CDO, v2.4.0
- NetCDF, v4.9.2
- EcCodes, v2.34.1
- HDF5, v1.14.3
- Zlib, v1.3.1
FROM jeremybarbet/cdo:20-alpine
# or
FROM jeremybarbet/cdo:20-bookworm
You can find the Docker images at the following link: jeremybarbet/cdo
To build a new tag of the image:
docker build --platform="linux/amd64" . -t jeremybarbet/cdo:20-(alpine|bookworm) -f Dockerfile.20-(alpine|bookworm) [--no-cache] [--progress=plain]
To update the image on Docker Hub:
docker push jeremybarbet/cdo:20-(alpine|bookworm)