This is the unofficial python API wrapper of Ncell App.
Install via PyPi
pip install ncellapp
Install from the source
git clone && cd ncellapp && python sdist && pip install dist/*
Note: You may need to change the pip
to pip3
or python
to python3
on the above command depending on your system.
>>> from ncellapp import register
>>> reg = register('98140*****')
>>> reg.generateOtp()
<Response [OTP1000]>
>>> reg.validateOtp('569845')
<Response [OTP1000]>
>>> reg.token
>>> from ncellapp import ncell
>>> account = ncell(token='eyJtc...', autoRefresh=True)
>>> balance = account.balance()
>>> balance.content
{'queryBalanceResponse': {'smsBalanceList': [], 'dataBalanceList': [], 'creditBalanceDetail': {'expiryDate': 'Sep 12 2021 23:59:59', 'freeSmsCount': 10, 'tariffPlanRateOffNet': 0.0, 'balance': 4.89793, 'unBilledAmount': 0.0, 'tariffPlanName': 'Sajilo', 'lastLoanTakenDate': 'Mar 23 2021 08:22:54', 'lastRechargeDate': 'Apr 27 2021 00:36:58', 'loanAmount': 0.0, 'creditUom': 'Rs.', 'tariffPlanRateOnNet': 0.0}, 'msisdn': '98140*****', 'voiceBalanceList': [], 'paidMode': 'Prepaid'}}
>>> sms = account.sendFreeSms(980799****, 'Hey there!, I am sending you an SMS with Python!')
>>> sms.content
{'sendFreeSMSResponse': {'description': 'Operation succeeded', 'status': 'success', 'statusCode': '0'}}
>>> sms.responseHeader
{'responseDesc': 'Success', 'requestId': '1626770987071NCELL968', 'responseDescDisplay': 'SMS1000', 'responseCode': '200', 'timestamp': '2021-07-20T14:34:47.12712'}
# This function will be executed after refreshing the token
>>>def storeToken(token):
... with open('token','w') as f_in:
... f_in.write(token)
# Creating an object of ncell which contains 'afterRefresh' and 'args' arguments.
# See the documentation for more information.
>>> ac = ncellapp.ncell(token=token, afterRefresh=[__name__, 'storeToken'], args=['__token__'])
# Token expired
>>> ac.balance()
<Response [LGN2001]>
# Manually refreshing the token
>>> ac.refreshToken()
<Response [OTP1000]>
# Viewing the balance after manually refreshing the token
>>> ac.balance()
<Response [BAL1000]>
# This function will be executed after refreshing the token.
>>>def storeToken(token):
with open('token','w') as f_in:
# Creating an object of ncell and setting autoRefresh=True.
# See documentation for more information.
>>> ac = ncellapp.ncell(token=token, autoRefresh=True, afterRefresh=[__name__, 'storeToken'], args=['__token__'])
# Token will be refreshed and stored automatically if it expires
>>> ac.balace()
<Response [BAL1000]>
The documentation of ncellapp is available here.
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
For minor fix, you can directly create a pull request and for adding a new feature, let's first discuss about it.
Thanks to every contributors who have contributed in this project.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Author/Maintainer: Hemanta Pokharel