- My name's Herbert Fuchs, but everyone just calls me Fuchs 😅
- I'm a Software Engineer from Brazil (🇧🇷), started developing from scratch in 2021 and nowadays I'm currently focusing on Mobile Development with React Native 🤳 and Learning GO lang!
- I'm a Software Engineer from Brazil (🇧🇷), started developing from scratch in 2021 and nowadays I'm currently focusing on Mobile Development with React Native 🤳 and Learning GO lang!
This repository is dedicated to a web project developed in the Next Level Week by Rocketseat. The initial proposal was to make one website for a haircut salon fully responsive.
Made a badge for an event named DoWhile 2021, by Rocketseat. This badge is totally responsive and it works with a Github API to load your informations.
A Fitness Mobile APP developed with React Native and Typescript, aims to help people doing exercises and become healthy at home.
Exercício em JS para desenvolvimento em React Native, utilizando navigation e animações de maneira simples e rápida com a lib: "react-native-animatable".
Studies related to the react-navigation 6.x versions :p