Simple, predictable, lightweight, high performance, developer friendly state management for alipay mini-program
- Component, Page, global wrapper
- vuex-like apis and concept: actions, mutations, getters, plugins
- strengthen mutation, getters: add immutable helper, global power to getters.and improve mutation usecase, add some common innerMutation
- plugins support, add logger as inner plugin
- cross page communication: message channel, auto router dispatcher(manage router ), get ready-only State by namespace
- cross components communication: support centralized ref management
- connect: connect Page to Component, add mapStateToProps, mapGettersToProps, use more developer friendly way.
- mapHelpers: connect actions and mutations to Page, Componnet methods
- global store support: manage all store, component instance and global state, global message bus ,event bus
- event bus support
- router: improve router usecase, auto router dispatcher, add resume lifecycle
- utils: immutable heplers, common functional tools, urlParser, promiseWrapper...
- use immer and immutable helper to promise immutable
- magic memoization: add special memoization feature to mapHelpersToProps
- Installation:
npm install herculex --save
. - basic usage:
- index.js
import store from './store'; const app = getApp(); Page(store.register({ mapActionsToMethod: ['getUserInfo'], mapMutationsToMethod: ['helperWay'], onLoad() { const message = this.$message.pop('card-home'); // get message from last page as you like }, onReady() { const componentInstance = this.$getRef('card-input'); // get component ref, then get data when you need ,specially in form condition }, onResume(ctx) { // get ctx here, }, ... onTap() { } })
- store.js
export default new Store({ connectGlobal: true, state: { userInfo: {}, bannerList: [], UI, }, getters: { // functional promgraming, add some helpers cardCount: (state, getters, global) => global.getIn(['entity', 'cardList', 'length'], 0), avatar: state => state.getIn(['userInfo', 'iconUrl'], ASSETS.DEFAULT_AVATAR), nickName: state => state.getIn(['userInfo', 'nick']), cardList: (state, getters, global) => global.getIn(['entity', 'cardList'], []).map(mapCardItemToData), }, mutations: { mutableWay(state, payload) { // use immer promise immutable state.a = payload.a }, helperWay(state, payload) { // use inner helper: setIn, deleteIn, update return state.setIn(['userInfo', 'name'], } }, plugins: [ 'logger' ], // inner plugin logger actions: { async getUserInfo({ commit, state, dispatch, global, getters, }, payload) { // get router and context in global store, all state are binded immutable helper const routerCtx = global.getIn(['router', 'currentRouter']); const avatar = getters.getIn('avatar'); const userInfo = await cardListService.getUserInfo(); commit('getUserInfo', { userInfo }); }, }, });
- index.axml
<view a:if="{{!!$global.entity.cardList}}"> {{}} <navigator a:if="{{$getters.cardCount > 0}}" class="link" url="/pages/card-create/index"> <button type="primary">{{UI.TEST}}</button> </navigator> </view>
- appx (alipay mini program)
- add pageBeforeRender Action to do something before instance created
- add travis ci
- add middleware support, take over api middleware
- doc & gitbook,
- examples & boilerplate
- cli for static code check, and generate snipets
- ide plugin
- model based api middleware
- test-utils & mock helper
- dev-tools for ide & standalone
- modules (need deeply design)
- error catcher plugin
- refactory and tests, separate appx data setter as independent repo