commands to run the shelf eddy scenarios. Key files are
These files are run automatically by the script
This file takes arguments and runs a case:
usage: [-h] [--z0 Z0] [--M2 M2] [--N2 N2] [--f F] [--sustr SUSTR]
[--svstr SVSTR] [--Lm LM] [--rootdir ROOTDIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--z0 Z0 Bottom roughness parameter (default=0.003)
--M2 M2 Horizontal stratification parameter (default=1e-6)
--N2 N2 Vertical stratification parameter (default=1e-6)
--f F Coreolis parameter (default=1e-4)
--sustr SUSTR Along-shore wind stress (default=0.0)
--svstr SVSTR Along-shore wind stress (default=0.0)
--Lm LM Number of x-grid points
--rootdir ROOTDIR Simulation root directory.
E.g., the 'base' case can be run with the following command:
mkdir simulations
./ --rootdir simulations
The case can be modified by something like
./ --M2 1e-5 --N2 1e-4 --f 3.33e-3 --rootdir simulations
This script can then be run over a wide parameter space running the script
Edit this script to create the parameter space you want. This script uses qsub to run the various cases, so the qsub script should be edited as well.