control MPV with Open Sound Control
It's simple script to remote an MPV player on windows/OSX/ubuntu (minimal) starts by blacking out desktop, usable for videoplayback or digital signage
It's used on Rpi's and odroid C4 to start this script on boot
osc commands are:
/command "brightness down"
/command "brightness up"
/command "speed up"
/command "speed down"
/command "info" # gives video info on screen
/command "quit" # quit this script
/command "force shutdown" # you can use this to shutdown rpi/odroid/linux os's but you need to disable sudo on shutdown for it to work
/command "force reboot" # you can use this to reboot rpi/odroid/linux os's but you need to disable sudo on shutdown for it to work
/volume "100" # use 0 to 100
/play "file.mp4" # you can use file's in the directory from the mpv default profile file or use youtube or other video links
python3.9 - Dependencies: