PetaPoco has stopped T4 template support since Version 6. But there are still lots of people loves generating DB entity classes from database. This is a tool that can help. It is ported from the PetaPoco T4 template.
It can be installed via nuget by installing the package PetaPoco.DBEntityGenerator.
It supports net45 and net6.0.
Choose any target framework that can run on your computer.
By using it on netcore 6.0, you can run dotnet ~/.nuget/packages/petapoco.dbentitygenerator/0.1.3/tools/net6.0/PetaPoco.DBEntityGenerator.dll
By using it on net45 on windows, you can run ~\.nuget\packages\petapoco.dbentitygenerator\0.1.3\tools\net45\PetaPoco.DBEntityGenerator.exe
Here are the parameters it supports:
--config Config file path
-p, --providerName Database provider name, supported arguments are Npgsql, SqlServer, MySql and Oracle
-c, --connectionString Connection string to the database
--namespace (Default: Entities) Namespace of generated classes
--explicitColumns (Default: true) Explicit columns
--trackModifiedColumns (Default: true) Track modified columns
-o, --output (Default: console) Output, valid options are console, file
--outputFile (Default: Database.cs) Output file name
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
You can either provide a config file or just leave it empty and set all other parameters, but with table customizations feature absent.
You can do table customization(e.g. table ignore, entity name change, columns customization) with a config file. Sample config file can be found in source code sample_config.json.