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HipTest Publisher

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hiptest-publisher is a tool to read Test Management projects from CucumberStudio (formerly know as HipTest) and publish them as executable test scripts stubs to start automating.


Using docker image

A docker image of hiptest-publisher is built automatically and is available on Docker Hub

To call hiptest-publisher using this image, run this command:

docker run -it --rm -u $UID -v $(pwd):/app hiptest/hiptest-publisher <arguments>

A wrapper script is provided in bin/hiptest-publisher-docker. To use it:

  1. copy bin/hiptest-publisher-docker to a location available in your PATH like ~/bin or /usr/local/bin
  2. rename it as hiptest-publisher
  3. make it executable with chmod +x hiptest-publisher

You will then be able to use hiptest-publisher as if it was locally installed.

Using local installation

You need to have Ruby installed on your machine. You can then install it using gem:

gem install hiptest-publisher

Note: for Windows users, take a look at this Windows installation guide.

Exporting a project

Go to CucumberStudio projects list, pick one project, and select the Settings tab. This tab is available only for projects you're admin of. From there, copy the secret token and run this command line:

hiptest-publisher --token=<YOUR TOKEN>

This will create a Ruby tests suite. For the moment, we support the following languages and frameworks:

  • Behat
  • Behave
  • CSharp (NUnit)
  • Cucumber (Groovy / Java / Javascript / Ruby / TypeScript)
  • Cucumber Legacy (Groovy / Java / TypeScript) (previous Cucumber versions)
  • Groovy (Spock)
  • Java (Espresso / JUnit / TestNg)
  • JavaScript (CodeceptJS / Jasmine / Mocha / Protractor / QUnit)
  • JBehave
  • PHP (PHPUnit)
  • Python (UnitTest)
  • Robot Framework
  • Ruby (MiniTest / RSpec)
  • Selenium IDE
  • SpecFlow
  • Swift (XCTest)

You can specify the output language and framework in the command line, for example:

hiptest-publisher --token=<YOUR TOKEN> --language=ruby --framework=minitest

When publishing, you'll notice a file called actionwords_signature.yaml. Store this file in your code repository, it will be used to handle updates of the action word.

Exporting a test run

You can generate the test suite from a test run of your project by specifying option --test-run-id=<xxx> when calling hiptest-publisher. You can find the test run id in the address bar of your browser. If your browser address is, then your test run id is 6941. You can generate your tests from your test with this command line:

hiptest-publisher --token=<YOUR TOKEN> --test-run-id=6941

Available options

For more information on the available options, use the following command:

hiptest-publisher --help

You could obtain for example:

Exports tests from CucumberStudio for automation.

Specific options:
    -t, --token=TOKEN                Secret token (available in your project settings)
    -l, --language=LANG              Target language (default: ruby)
    -f, --framework=FRAMEWORK        Test framework to use
    -o, --output-directory=PATH      Output directory (default: .)
        --filename-pattern=PATTERN   Filename pattern (containing %s)
    -c, --config-file=PATH           Configuration file
        --overriden-templates=PATH   Folder for overriden templates
                                     Folder for overriden language configs
        --test-run-id=ID             Export data from a test run identified by its id
        --test-run-name=NAME         Export data from a test run identified by its name
        --only=CATEGORIES            Restrict export to given file categories (--only=list to list them)
        --without=CATEGORIES         Exclude file categories from import (--only=list to list them)
    -x, --xml-file=PROJECT_XML       XML file to use instead of fetching it from CucumberStudio
        --tests-only                 (deprecated) alias for --only=tests (default: false)
        --actionwords-only           (deprecated) alias for --only=actionwords (default: false)
        --actionwords-signature      Export actionwords signature (default: false)
        --show-actionwords-diff      Show actionwords diff since last update (summary) (default: false)
                                     Show actionwords diff since last update (JSON output) (default: false)
        --show-actionwords-deleted   Output signature of deleted action words (default: false)
        --show-actionwords-created   Output code for new action words (default: false)
        --show-actionwords-renamed   Output signatures of renamed action words (default: false)
                                     Output signatures of action words for which signature changed (default: false)
                                     Output action words for which definition changed (default: false)
        --library-name=LIBRARY_NAME  Use in conjunction with show-actionwords-*: show the diff for the specified library
        --with-folders               Use folders hierarchy to export files in respective directories (default: false)
        --empty-folders              Export empty folders (default: false)
        --split-scenarios            Export each scenario in a single file (except for Gherkin based languages) (default: false)
        --leafless-export            Use only last level action word (default: false)
    -s, --site=SITE                  Site to fetch from (default:
    -p, --push=FILE.TAP              Push a results file to the server
                                     When there is no results file to push, report a global failure (default: false)
        --push-format=tap            Format of the test results (cucumber-json, junit, nunit, robot, tap) (default: tap)
        --execution-environment=NAME Name of the execution environment
        --build-id=ID                ID of an existing build the results will be added to
        --build-name=NAME            Name for the build that will be created in CucumberStudio (build names are not unique)
        --sort=[id,order,alpha]      Sorting of tests in output: id will sort them by age, order will keep the same order than in hiptest (only with --with-folders option, will fallback to id otherwise), alpha will sort them by name (default: order)
        --[no-]uids                  Export UIDs (note: can be disabled only for Gherkin-based exports, may cause issue when pushing results back) (default: true)
        --[no-]parent-folder-tags    Export tags from parent folders (note: if set to false, those tags are never rendered. Only available for Gherkin base exports) (default: true)
        --parameter-delimiter        Parameter delimiter (for Gherkin based export only) (default: "")
        --with-dataset-names         Export dataset name when creating feature files (note: available only for Gherkin-based exports) (default: false)
        --keep-filenames             Keep the same name as in CucumberStudio for the test files (note: may cause encoding issues) (default: false)
        --keep-foldernames           Keep the same name as in CucumberStudio for the folders (note: may cause encoding issues) (default: false)
        --filter-on-scenario-ids=IDS Filter on scenario ids (use commas to separate ids when fetching multiple scenarios)
        --filter-on-folder-ids=IDS   Filter on folder ids (use commas to separate ids when fetching multiple folders)
                                     Filter on scenario name (only one name is accepted)
        --filter-on-folder-name=NAME Filter on folder name (only one name is accepted)
        --filter-on-tags=TAGS        Filter on scenarios and folder tags (use commas to separate tags when using multiple tags)
        --filter-on-status=STATUS    Filter on test status in last build (use in conjunction with a test run)
        --not-recursive              Used in conjunction with filter-on-folder-ids or filter-on-folder-name: only exports those folders, not their children (default: false)
        --check-version              Check if a new release of hiptest-publisher is available (default: false)
        --force                      Force overwrite of existing files (do not apply to test files) (default: false)
        --[no-]color                 Force [un]use of ANSI color in text output
    -v, --verbose                    Run verbosely (default: false)
    -H, --languages-help             Show languages and framework options
    -h, --help                       Show this message


You have the possibility to store some configuration in a file named 'config'. Copy the file config.sample provided here and update the values with the values you use.

If you have multiple projects, you can have multiple config files and select one using the --config-file option:

# Use the default config file
# Use the one to export as minitest
hiptest-publisher --config-file=config_minitest

For example, for java you can use this config file content:

token = '<YOUR TOKEN>'
language = 'java'
output_directory = '<YOUR OUTPUT DIRECTORY>'
package = 'com.youcompany'

Note that options from command line arguments override options from config file.

If you want to override one of the existing configurations, you can use the --overriden-language-configs option to specify a path that is checked for configuration files prior to looking at the default configuration files. If one is found, it will use that file instead of the default, otherwise it will use the default configuration for the specified language.

Using hiptest-publisher behind a http proxy

To use hiptest-publisher behind a http proxy, set an environment variable named http_proxy


If username and password are required:


Posting results to CucumberStudio

You can use the option --push to push the results back to CucumberStudio. For this, you first need to generate the test code from a Test Run by specifying option --test-run-id=<xxx> during code generation (or add it to the configuration file).

The tests must then generate a test report that is supported by CucumberStudio. Currently four types of test results are handled:

You can specify the type of export when pushing by using the option --push-format=[cucumber-json|junit|nunit|robot|tap] or specifying it in the config file.

You can push multiple files at once (using wildcard) but in that case, do not forget to add quotes. For examples:

hiptest-publisher --config-file=<path to your config file> --push="reports/*.xml"

The number of imported test results will be displayed. For debugging purposes, you can display imported tests individually with the --verbose option.


While developing, you can install the gem locally by issuing

bundle exec rake install

You can also run the command directly with bundle exec ruby -I lib bin/hiptest-publisher. It is handy to define an alias so you can test your code easily:

# this alias will only work when run from the root of the project
alias hiptest-publisher='bundle exec ruby -I lib bin/hiptest-publisher'


To help with internationalization, you can temporarly add the i18n-tasks in the Gemfile and run i18n-tasks health to check that everything is ok and there are no missing translations. We removed it because of the many dependencies it pulls.

Other useful commands:

  • i18n-tasks missing
  • i18n-tasks unused
  • i18n-tasks normalize
  • i18n-tasks check-consistent-interpolations

Adding support for other languages and framework

See the CONTRIBUTING help page for more information.


The @hiptest team, @mhfrantz, @tikolakin, @atulhm, @etorreborre, @daniel-kun, @weeksghost, @lostiniceland, @ClaudiaJ, @Jesterovskiy, @tenpaiyomi, nono0481, DavertMik