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Deployment scripts for hint


Clone the repo anywhere and install dependencies with (from the repo root):

pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt


  ./hint start [--pull] [--hintr-branch=<branch>] [--hint-branch=<branch>] [<configname>]
  ./hint stop  [--volumes] [--network] [--kill] [--force]
  ./hint destroy
  ./hint status
  ./hint upgrade [--hintr-branch=<branch>] [--hint-branch=<branch>] (hintr|all)
  ./hint user [--pull] add <email> [<password>]
  ./hint user [--pull] remove <email>
  ./hint user [--pull] exists <email>

  --pull                    Pull images before starting
  --volumes                 Remove volumes (WARNING: irreversible data loss)
  --network                 Remove network
  --kill                    Kill the containers (faster, but possible db corruption)
  --hint-branch=<branch>    The hint branch to deploy
  --hintr-branch=<branch>   The hintr branch to deploy

Once a configuration is set during start, it will be reused by subsequent commands (stop, status, upgrade, user, etc) and removed during destroy. The configuration usage information is stored in config/.last_deploy.

Hint architecture



hint-deploy uses AppRole to authenticate with the vault. To run tests locally you will need to set VAULT_AUTH_ROLE_ID and VAULT_AUTH_SECRET_ID to valid role-id and secret-it.

To get them run

vault login -method=github
VAULT_AUTH_ROLE_ID=$(vault read -field=role_id auth/approle/role/hint-deploy/role-id)
VAULT_AUTH_SECRET_ID=$(vault write --field=secret_id -f auth/approle/role/hint-deploy/secret-id)

ensure they are available as env vars wherever you run pytest from. These are available to the CI as repo secrets.

You can test it by trying to login via

vault write auth/approle/login role_id=$VAULT_AUTH_ROLE_ID secret_id=$VAULT_AUTH_SECRET_ID

Deployment onto the servers

We have four copies of hint deployed:

  • production at or from the Imperial network.
  • preview at
  • staging at
  • dev at

To get onto production, ssh to naomi.dide as the hint user with

your public key should be added to the .ssh/authorized_users file.

To get onto the staging server

Preliminary actions

On both machines, deployment is done from the hint-deploy directory, and you should cd into this directory.

Be aware you may need to upgrade the deploy tool by running git pull in the hint-deploy directory first.

Is hintr running?


./hint status

which will print information like:

[Loaded configuration 'staging' (5 minutes ago)]
Constellation hint
  * Network:
    - hint_nw: created
  * Volumes:
    - db (hint_db_data): created
    - uploads (hint_uploads): created
    - config (hint_config): created
  * Containers:
    - db (hint-db): running
    - redis (hint-redis): running
    - hintr (hint-hintr): running
    - hint (hint-hint): running
    - proxy (hint-proxy): running
    - worker (hint-worker-<i>): running (2)

The first line indicates the active configuration (see config/). The number in brackets on the last line indicates the number of workers. Hopefully everything else is self explanatory.

Starting a copy of hint that has stopped

On machine reboot, hint will not restart automatically (mrc-735), so you may need to start hint up with:

./hint start

if it has already been run you do not need to provide the instance name (staging or production) though adding it is harmless. You will be prompted for your github token during startup.

If you are restarting hint after a machine reboot, some containers will still exist (though they are exited) and you will get an error like:

[Loaded configuration 'staging' (2 days ago)]
Exception: Some containers exist

in which case you should run docker container prune or ./hint stop to remove the stopped containers and let you run ./hint start again.

If you want to update images at the same time, run

./hint start --pull

Upgrading a running copy of hint

This will pull new containers, take down the system and bring up the new copy. Downtime likely to be ~1 minute as containers are stopped and brought back up. You will be prompted for your github token during this process when restarting either of staging and production so don't wander off and have a coffee while it runs...

./hint upgrade all

Upgrade just hintr (i.e. naomi) part of hint

This will pull new containers, take down hintr and the workers, and bring up new copies. User sessions will be unaffected and model runs that are part way through will be continued. The hintr part of the app will be unavailable for ~10 s during this process. Again, you will need to provide your github token part way through.

./hint upgrade hintr

Simulate slow connections

For testing performance, connect the application to toxiproxy by running


and then connect to http://localhost:8081

The bandwidth and latency of the connection will be affected - see ./scripts/slow --help for details.

Proxy & SSL

There are 3 options for ssl certificates

  1. Self-signed certificates, which are generated in the proxy at startup (this is the default configuration option)
  2. Certificates for, provided by ICT (see details on reside-ic/proxy-nginx), stored in the mrc-ide vault
  3. Certificates from UNAIDS

For the last option, UNAIDS will send a certificate. Instructions are on the leaderssl website

First, concatenate the certificates:

cat naomi_unaids_org.crt > ssl-bundle.crt

Then add them to the mrc-ide vault:

export VAULT_ADDR=
vault login -method=github
vault write /secret/hint/ssl/unaids [email protected] [email protected]

The production configuration will read these in.

Modifying deploy

By default hint will deploy with docker containers built off the main image. If you want to deploy using an image from a particular branch for testing you can do this by passing one of the args --hintr-branch=<tag-name> or --hint-branch=<tag-name> or by modifying the tag section config/hint.yml file.

Images available on the remote are tagged with

  • hintr - branch name e.g. mrc-745, git hash e.g. 56c3b7f, version number e.g. v0.0.15
  • hint- branch name e.g. mrc-745, git hash e.g. 6125a71


This repo contains configuration for privateer backups. The redis data, uploads and results are backed up on a schedule. But note that backing up the postgres container is not supported yet in privateer so that requires an additional manual step. It is best to stop the server before running this.

  1. Run a db dump into a hint_db_dump volume
    docker volume create hint_db_dump
    docker run --rm -d\
      -v hint_db_data:/pgdata \
      -v hint_db_dump:/db_dump \
      -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
      -e PGDATA=/pgdata \
      --name db_backup \
    docker exec -i db_backup sh -c "pg_dumpall -U postgres > /db_dump/db_dump.sql"
    docker stop db_backup 
  2. Backup with dump privateer
    privateer backup hint_db_dump

To restore

  1. Restore the dump volume, changing the source as required

    privateer restore hint_db_dump --source=preview
  2. Restore db data from the dump. Note this will erro saying role "postgres" already exists but this can be ignored

    docker run --rm -d \
      -v hint_db_data:/pgdata \
      -v hint_db_dump:/db_dump \
      -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
      -e PGDATA=/pgdata \
      --name db_restore \
    docker exec -i db_restore sh -c "cat /db_dump/db_dump.sql | psql -U postgres postgres > /dev/null"
    docker stop db_restore

There is also a directory here /backup which contains manual backup scripts used before we created privateer. These are left for most for posterity but also if we need to restore from one of these old backups. They should not be used for creating any new backups.


MIT © Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine