manages the apps locale.
At startup it is taken from the platform, but can be overwritten from a
persistence storage like SharedPreferences
App locale can be changed both from within the app (with LanguageChooser
and from platform settings (internal listener).
Translating strings can easily be done with Translator
There are also choosers for country
and currency
All choosers can display flags.
A Language
is a a thin wrapper around Locale
and a plain Dart class providing:
- 2 lowercase characters according to ISO-639countryCode
- ISO-3166 alpha-2 for the main country where this language is spokenname
- localized name of the language
provides the list of all languages.
A special language with code
"xx" and countryCode
represents the current platform language.
allows selection of a language both from the whole list or a subset.
A special selection for the platform locale can be included.
A Country
is a plain Dart class providing:
→ ISO-3166 alpha-2 codealpha3
→ ISO-3166 alpha-3 codenum3
→ ISO-3166 numerical codename
→ country name in countries native languagepredial
→ international phone pre-diallanguage
→ official language in the countrycurrency
→ official currency in the countrytimezone
→ offset to UTC
provides the list of all countries.
allows selection of a country both from the whole list or from a subset.
A Currency
is a plain Dart class providing:
→ three uppercase characters according to ISO-4217minor
→ number of digits for minor currency (e.g. Cents)name
→ the native name of the currencysymbol
→ currency symbol (requires a UTF-8 font which contains currency symbols)
provides the list of all countries.
allows selection of a currency both from the whole list or a subset.
Please run example
from the package to see all available features.
Use this code to have AppLocalizer
taking care of the active locale for the app:
/// List of locales supported by your app. defaultLocale is "en"
List<Locale> supportedLocales = [
Locale('de', 'DE'),
Locale('es', 'ES'),
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ValueListenableBuilder<Locale>(
valueListenable: AppLocalizer.initialize(
supportedLocales: supportedLocales,
builder: (BuildContext context, Locale locale, Widget? child) =>
// --- builder is used here to set 24hour format. Can be omitted.
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget? child) => MediaQuery(
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(alwaysUse24HourFormat: true),
child: child!),
home: MyHomePage(),
localeListResolutionCallback: (List<Locale>? devLocales,
Iterable<Locale> appLocales) =>
.localeListResolutionCallback(context, devLocales, appLocales),
localizationsDelegates: [
supportedLocales: supportedLocales,