A Flutter plain Rich-Text-Editor without any dependencies.
TODO: List what your package can do. Maybe include images, gifs, or videos.
Add the latest version of formatus
to your pubspec.yaml
formatus: ^1.0.1
TODO: List prerequisites and provide or point to information on how to start using the package.
TODO: Include short and useful examples for package users. Add longer examples
to /example
const FocusNode formatusFocs = FocusNode(debugLabel: 'formatus');
FormatusController formatusController = FormatusController.fromHtml('');
Please find additional information like architecture considerations at https://formatus.djarjo.com
If you encounter any issues or have ideas for some enhancements please open a ticket at github (TODO suppy link)
TODO: Tell users more about the package: where to find more information, how to contribute to the package, how to file issues, what response they can expect from the package authors, and more.
- Use current setting of format actions when entering new text
- Apply format action to a range of text
- Apply deletion to a range of text. This may include deletion of nodes.
- Add action to insert an emoji
- Add action to insert an image
- Add action to insert a link (URL entered in alert dialog)
- Parse and export markdown
The Formatus
editor also supports Markdown
. Following elements are supported:
-># heading1
,## heading 2
,### heading 3
->*italic text*
->**bold text**
->_underlined text_
Line through
->~~lined through text~~
->a^2^ + b^2^ = c^2^
Horizontal rule
as a single line with an empty line aboveLink
Ordered list
->1. First item
Unordered list
->* item
->That's funny :joy:
renders an emoji by its nameTask list
->[x] completed\n[ ] still open