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House Music Calendar Event Service


house_calendar_events is a the microservice to wrap and abstract the event db postgres database. It handles basic CRUD interaction with Event and Locations. It is part of a wider House Calendar web application.

There are two python packages that lead to two containers:

  • house_calendar_event
    • A microservice containing wrapping the event database
  • house_calendar_event_init
    • Setups and configures the alembic models inside a postgres database


This micro-service is designed to handle basic CRUD operations of against events, but also be a good citizen for kubernetes/docker/podman with health checks and statuses. When launched locally can be accessed from localhost:8000/docs/ for openapi documentation (with tests).

Status & Health Check Endpoints:

Method Endpoint Description
GET /pulse/ Basic binary canary "OK" if good
GET /status/ Status response

Event CRUD Endpoints:

Method Endpoint Description
GET /event/ A listing of events
POST /event/ Create new event entry
GET /event/{id} Get individual event by uuid
DELETE /event/{id} Delete individual event by uuid

Project Structure

In this project there are three major root folders:

Name Description
config/ Setting files used by the Dynaconf to pass setting variables
doc/ For documentation and supporting templates (such copyright notice)
scripts/ For supporting scripts, such as startup/teardown for local dev env
src/ For all main code related to library/packages of micro-service

Inside src/, there are few major folders:

Name Description
src/test For tests
src/house_calendar_event used by the main microservice container
src/house_calendar_event_init Used by the alembic intialization container

Inside src/house_calendar_event the major folders:

Name Description
./routers/ contains handlers and supporting dao functions
./db/ For table model defintions

Application Infrastructure

flowchart TB
    subgraph frontend
    direction LR
    C--> A & B
    subgraph backend
    A(house_calendar_events) & B(house_calendar_attend)
    subgraph datastore
        p[(hc_events)] & m[(hc_attend)]
    A --> p
    B --> m
    A -.-> k[/ihouse_calendar_new_event_uuid/] -.->B;

    click A ""
    click C ""

Local Development Environment

For the local development environment there is are two main podman setup and teardown scripts, scripts/ and scripts/ which starts containers that are dependencies fo the main microservices.


To setup the local development environment:

  • dependency libaries need to be installed
  • A 3.10 python interperter and virtual env needs to be defined

to do this run in terminal:

make init


To be able start local environment, the local dependency setup scripts set the env to testing and few values need to be set in a config/.secrets.toml

As an example:

# inside .secrets.toml

After configuration in the terminal call:

make test

To test the code against the service dependencies, run:

./scripts/ && poetry run pytest -s