A tool to visualize convolutional layer activations on an input image.
Creates images in which the input image is highlighted by each filter in the given conv layer.
Dependencies: Torch, loadcaffe
If you place convis.lua into your neural-style directory, you can simply:
th convis.lua -image examples/inputs/tubingen.jpg -model models/VGG_ILSVRC_19_layers.caffemodel -proto models/VGG_ILSVRC_19_layers_deploy.prototxt -layer conv2_2 -output_dir convisimages
Otherwise you need to supply correct paths to the model etc.
-image the input image
-model the caffemodel to be used
-proto deploy prototxt
-output_dir the dir in which the output images are going to be placed
-layer name of the conv layer
The output_dir must exist in advance. The output files will be named like convisimages/tubingen-conv3_2-69.png