This project is a simple website for an airline blog and gallery. It features sections for blog articles and an image gallery with a hover effect that enlarges images. The website is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Blog Section: Displays recent blog articles with images.
- Image Gallery: Displays images with a hover effect to enlarge them.
- Responsive Design: The layout adjusts to different screen sizes for better user experience.
Navigate to the project directory: Open the index.html file in your web browser to view the website.
HTML5: For structuring the content on the web pages.
CSS3: For styling and layout, including hover effects for images.
JavaScript: For any interactive features (none used in the current version but can be added for enhancements).
Bootstrap 4: For responsive layout and pre-built components.
Colorbox:Colorbox library, which is a popular JavaScript library used for creating modal popups and image galleries.
Greensock (GSAP) is a powerful JavaScript library for creating high-performance animations on web pages. It simplifies complex animations and works across different browsers.
jquery: the plugin relies on the jQuery library, a popular JavaScript library for DOM manipulation and event handling.
circle-progress This indicates the plugin's core functionality is related to creating circular progress bars.
OwlCarousel2: a popular JavaScript library specifically designed for creating responsive carousels (scrolling image galleries) on web pages.
parallax-js: library for creating parallax scrolling effects. Parallax scrolling creates a depth illusion on web pages by moving background elements at different speeds than foreground elements as the user scrolls.
Isotope: This refers to Isotope, a popular JavaScript library for creating dynamic layouts and filtering options for web pages. It allows for flexible positioning and organization of content elements
- index.html: The main landing page.
- about.html: The about page with information about the site.
- contact.html: The contact page for user inquiries.
- blog.html: The blog page displaying various articles.
- explore.html: The Explore page containing an exhibition section.
- find-a-ticket.html: The Find a Ticket page with special offers on tickets.
- Huda Bani Mustafa202210130: integrating plugins/designed the website logo using Adobe illustrator 2024 - page : Home / Explore(Gallery)/Blog.