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Hummingbird APIv1 documentation

synthtech edited this page Jun 20, 2014 · 4 revisions

Hummingbird APIv1

APIv1 is the stable Hummingbird API that is already implemented in multiple applications. Its syntax and functionality will surely not change in the future so it is recommended to use this for any long-running projects. Due to the fact that this has been around for quite a while now and hasn't gotten any bigger updates to keep its syntax stable, it might not provide all the information you need. If there's something you can't find in this docs, you might want to check out APIv2

API base:

API Endpoint overview

_ Verb Endpoint Description _
user: POST /users/authenticate Authenticate request to get a user's auth-token »
GET /users/<name> Get information about a specific user »
GET /users/<name>/feed Get the latest entries from a user's activity feed »
GET /users/<name>/favorite_anime Get a user's favourite anime (also included in get/user) »
library: GET /users/<name>/library Get the anime library of a specific user with all information of the listed anime »
POST /libraries/<ani-slug> Update (or add) an entry in the user's anime library »
POST /libraries/<ani-slug>/remove Remove an entry from the user's anime library »
anime: GET /anime/<slug> Get information about a specific anime »
GET /search/anime?query=<query> Search for an anime, supports fuzzy search »

API Endpoint parameter

  • POST /users/authenticate

Parameter | Type | Explanation | _ --- | --- | --- | --- | --- username | string | The user's name | email | string | The user's email address | password | string | The user's password | required

  • GET /users/<name>

Parameter | Type | Explanation | Test endpoint --- | --- | --- | --- | --- name | string | The user's name | required

  • GET /users/<name>/feed

Parameter | Type | Explanation | Test endpoint --- | --- | --- | --- | --- name | string | The user's name | required

  • GET /users/<name>/favorite_anime

Parameter | Type | Explanation | Test endpoint --- | --- | --- | --- | --- name | string | The user's name | required

  • GET /users/<name>/library

Parameter | Type | Explanation | Test endpoint --- | --- | --- | --- | --- name | string | The user's name | required

  • POST /libraries/<ani-slug>

Parameter | Type | Explanation | _ --- | --- | --- | --- | --- ani-slug | string | The affected anime slug, for example log-horizon | required auth_token | string | The user's auth token | required status | string | The library entry watch status, can be currently-watching, plan-to-watch, completed, on-hold or dropped privacy | string | Set the entry privacy status, can be public or private rating | number | The entry rating, can be 0.5, 1, 1.5 ... 4.5, 5. If you set the same value again, the rating will be removed. rewatched_times | number | The entry rewatch count, can be 1+ episodes_watched | number | The number of episodes watched, can be 0+ increment_episodes | boolean | The number of episodes watched will simply be increased by one if this parameter is set to true

  • POST /libraries/<ani-slug>/remove

Parameter | Type | Explanation | _ --- | --- | --- | --- | --- ani-slug | string | The affected anime slug, for example log-horizon | required auth_token | string | The user's auth token | required

  • GET /anime/<slug>/

Parameter | Type | Explanation | Test endpoint --- | --- | --- | --- | --- slug | string | Anime Slug, for example log-horizon | required

  • GET /search/anime?query=<query>

Parameter | Type | Explanation | Test endpoint --- | --- | --- | --- | --- query | string | Search query, supports fuzzy search. | required