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ESM and TypeScript rewrite of Acacode's swagger-typescript-api

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npx swagger-typescript-api-es@latest --help


npx swagger-typescript-api-es@latest -u -o ./src/api


npm i swagger-typescript-api-es@latest --save-dev
  • Create a file swagger-typescript-api.config.ts in the root of the project
import { defaultConfig } from 'swagger-typescript-api-es';

export default defaultConfig({
  name: 'api-axios.ts',
  output: './src/apis/axios-gentype',
  url: 'http://localhost:5002/api-json',
  httpClientType: 'axios',
  • Options
// Options
interface IOptions {
   *  name of output typescript api file (default: "Api.ts")
  name: string;
   * output path of typescript api file (default: "./")
  output: string;
   * path/url to swagger scheme
  url: string;
  input?: string;
  spec?: {
    swagger?: '2.0' | '3.0';
    info?: {
      version?: string;
      title?: string;
  templates?: string;
  httpClientType?: 'axios' | 'fetch';
  defaultResponseAsSuccess?: boolean;
  generateClient?: boolean;
  generateRouteTypes?: boolean;
  generateResponses?: boolean;
  toJS?: boolean;
  extractRequestParams?: boolean;
  extractRequestBody?: boolean;
  extractEnums?: boolean;
  unwrapResponseData?: boolean;
   * By default prettier config is load from your project
  prettier?: {
    printWidth?: number;
    tabWidth?: number;
    trailingComma?: 'all' | string;
    parser?: 'typescript' | string;
  singleHttpClient?: boolean;
  cleanOutput?: boolean;
  enumNamesAsValues?: boolean;
  moduleNameFirstTag?: boolean;
  generateUnionEnums?: boolean;
  typePrefix?: string;
  typeSuffix?: string;
  enumKeyPrefix?: string;
  enumKeySuffix?: string;
  addReadonly?: boolean;
  sortTypes?: boolean;
  sortRouters?: boolean;
  extractingOptions?: {
    requestBodySuffix?: string[];
    requestParamsSuffix?: string[];
    responseBodySuffix?: string[];
    responseErrorSuffix?: string[];
  /** allow to generate extra files based with this extra templates, see more below */
  extraTemplates?: [];
  anotherArrayType?: boolean;
  fixInvalidTypeNamePrefix?: string;
  fixInvalidEnumKeyPrefix?: string;
  prettierOptions?: Record<string, any>;
  constants?: Record<string, any>;
  templateInfos?: any;
  codeGenConstructs?: (constructs: any) => Record<string, any>;
  primitiveTypeConstructs?: (constructs: any) => Record<string, any>;
  hooks?: {
    onCreateComponent?: (component: any) => void;
    onCreateRequestParams?: (rawType: any) => void;
    onCreateRoute?: (routeData: any) => void;
    onCreateRouteName?: (routeNameInfo: any, rawRouteInfo: any) => void;
    onFormatRouteName?: (routeInfo: any, templateRouteName: any) => void;
    onFormatTypeName?: (typeName: any, rawTypeName: any, schemaType: any) => void;
    onInit?: (configuration: any) => void;
    onPreParseSchema?: (originalSchema: any, typeName: any, schemaType: any) => void;
    onParseSchema?: (originalSchema: any, parsedSchema: any) => void;
    onPrepareConfig?: (currentConfiguration: any) => void;
  • Config (file package.json)
  "scripts": {
    "gen-api-types": "swagger-typescript-api-es"

📝 License

Licensed under the MIT License.