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IDL about

Jasonsalex edited this page Aug 15, 2017 · 2 revisions

What is IDL?

1. IDL is the kiss RPC interface code generation protocol, the preparation of IDL protocol, you can generate the corresponding server and client common RPC code call interface.
2. Standardize the unity, interface unification, simple to use.

IDL usage

1. [idl file path]    [output file name]    [output file path,default current dir]  E."/root/home/kiss-rpc.idl"	kiss-rpc	"/root/home/rpc/"
2. module name output, module path is ".": E."/root/home/kiss-rpc.idl"	module.test.kiss-rpc	 "/root/home/rpc/"	
3. At the same time output client and server file code, only need to copy to the corresponding client and server directory.
4. Message type names must be uppercase first, type members must be marked with serial numbers, otherwise they cannot be compiled 	
5. The function parameter list can only be one, or else it cannot be compiled

IDL Example

  1. client test: "IDL-Example/client/"

  2. server test: "IDL-Example/server/"

  3. idl protocol: "IDL-Example/kiss-idl"

IDL Supported type

IDL D lang
bool bool
byte byte
ubyte ubyte
short short
ushort ushort
int int
uint uint
long long
ulong ulong
float float
double double
char char
string string
[] DynamicArrayList
@message struct
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