Marlin Processors to use MarlinKinfit
MarlinKinfitProcessors is distributed under the GPLv3 License
WW5CFit: This processor performs a 5C fit (px, py, pz, E and equal mass constraints) on 4 jet events, as one would do for WW or ZZ events. The center of mass energy and the name of the input jet collection are steerable. The provided example steering assumes that you have a standard DBD ILD_o1_v5 DST file at 500 GeV. It runs the FastJetProcessor in exclusive kt mode to remove the gammagamma->hadrons overlay and then performs the fit on the remaining jets.
ZH5CFit: similar, but using ZH->4jet events
TTBarExample: This processor performs a 6C fit (px, py, pz, E and 2 W mass constraints) on 6 jet events, as one could do for ttbar events. To reduce the combinatorics it is assumed that 2 jets are b-tagged. The center of mass energy and the name of the input jet collections are steerable.The provided example steering assumes that you have an LCIO file which already contains two collections of 4 light jets and 2 b-jets per event. If you don't have such a file, you have to call digitization, particle flow, jet finder and b-tagging before calling TTBarExample.
TopTester: provides an example how to use TopEventILC, a toy MC of either fully hadronic or semi-leptonic ttbar events plus a matching kinematic fit. In the toy MC, the generated four-vectors of the 6 final-state fermions are smeared with the same resolutions as used in the fit, and the correct jet pairing is cheated. This comes handy for testing further developments of the fit engines, or of new types of fit objects, contraints etc.
SimpleVertex: this performs a simple space-point fit of two charged tracks to a single vertex. It assumes events with two tracks (e.g. the single k0short events in example_data/kaon0S_DST.slcio)
Pi0Fitter: provides an example of how to use MassConstraintFitter for pi0 -> gamma gamma (purely photons). Example updated to reflect appropriate settings for test production single particle samples (no smearing now).
Jpsi_MuMu: MassConstraintFitter example for J/psi -> mu+ mu- (purely tracks)
ChargedKaon_3Pi: MassConstraintFitter example for K+ -> pi+ pi- pi+ (purely tracks). For simplicity assumes (wrongly!) that K+ has zero lifetime.
Higgs_MuMu: MassConstraintFitter example for Higgs -> mu+ mu- (purely tracks)
Higgs_4Mu: MassConstraintFitter example for Higgs -> mu+ mu- mu+ mu- (purely tracks)
Eta_PiPiGamma: MassConstraintFitter example for eta -> pi+ pi- gamma (tracks + photons)
Eta_PiPiPi0_1C: MassConstraintFitter example for eta -> pi+ pi- pi0 -> pi+ pi- gamma gamma (Eta mass constraint)
Eta_PiPiPi0_2C: MassConstraintFitter example for eta -> pi+ pi- pi0 -> pi+ pi- gamma gamma (Eta and pi0 mass constraint)
Copyright (C), MarlinKinfitProcessors Authors
MarlinKinfitProcessors is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License long with this program. If not, see