在mac开发过程中,会遇到需要发送带有附件邮件的情况,最常见的就是用户想向我们发送带有log文件和问题描述的邮件,这就需要我们开发这一功能,我的这篇文章是针对Qt C++开发的同学,如果需要OC语言和Swift版的相对应功能的代码,可以回复我。
void OnFeedback()
string logName = "/Users/lee/Desktop/log.txt"; // 测试中log文件的位置,可以根据实际情况更换 不可使用 ~/Desktop
string logPathStr = "\"" + logName + "\"";
QString aScript =
"tell application \"Mail\"\n"
"set newMessage to (a reference to (make new outgoing message))\n"
"tell newMessage\n"
"make new recipient at beginning of to recipients ¬\n"
"with properties {address:\"[email protected]\"}\n"
"set the subject to \"App---问题反馈\"\n"
"set the content to \"请描述您使用App遇到的问题:\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\"\n"
"set color of content to {64614, 0, 111}\n"
"set size of content to 40\n"
"tell content\n"
"make new attachment ¬\n"
"with properties {file name: %1 as string} ¬\n"
"at after the last word of the last paragraph\n"
"end tell\n"
"set visible to true\n"
"activate application \"Mail\"\n"
"end tell\n"
"end tell\n").arg(logPathStr.c_str());
cout << aScript.toStdString() << endl;
QString osascript = "/usr/bin/osascript";
QStringList processArguments;
processArguments << "-l" << "AppleScript";
QProcess p;
p.start(osascript, processArguments);
QByteArray result = p.readAll();
QString resultAsString(result); // if appropriate
qDebug() << "the result of the script is" << resultAsString;
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
具体使用请参考Demo AppleScript_sendEmail
PrincekinKlineFrame 是在Apache License 2.0协议下开发完成的. 关于细节请查看Apache License 2.0协议。