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Dependency-Track Maven Plugin

Build Status

Dependency-Track is an intelligent Software Supply Chain Component Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk from the use of third-party and open source components.

This plugin is modelled after the Dependency-Track Jenkins Plugin in order to be used in non-Jenkins environments.

Minimum supported Dependency Track version: 3.6.0

Quick Overview

This plugin can interact with Dependency-Track to perform several security-related actions, e.g. upload/download CycloneDX SBOMs to/from Dependency-Track, check project metrics, compute diffs etc.

A Security Gate can also be configured, in order to fail the build, when a preconfigured number of findings are reported by Dependency-Track.

This plugin also supports custom suppressions not configured in Dependency-Track, that filter out specific findings before applying the security gate.


To use the plugin add it into the build section of your pom.xml. The minimal viable configuration looks as follows:



These parameters are required to configure the plugin:

  • dependencyTrackUrl: The URL where Dependency-Track is hosted.
  • dependencyTrackApiKey: The API Key for Dependency-Track.

Further you skip the plugin execution with the following configuration:

  • skip: a boolean value indicating if the plugin should be executed for the current project.

The API Key should have sufficient permissions depending on the performed action:

Permission Description
BOM_UPLOAD Allows the uploading of CycloneDX and SPDX BOMs
PROJECT_CREATION_UPLOAD Allows the dynamic creation of projects
VIEW_VULNERABILITY Allows access to view vulnerabilities
VIEW_PORTFOLIO Allows access to view the components portfolio


In order to suppress findings a JSON file containing suppression definitions can be configured as follows:

Parameter Description Default Value
suppression Path to the suppressions file ${project.basedir}/suppressions.json
  "suppressions": [
       "by": "purl",
       "purl": "pkg:maven/org.springframework/[email protected]?type=jar"

Currently, the plugin supports these kinds of suppressions:

  • By PURL: Suppresses all findings for a given component identified by its purl
  "by": "purl",
  "purl": "pkg:maven/org.springframework/[email protected]?type=jar",
  "regex": false,
  "expiration": "2022-12-23",
  "notes": "Some notes explaining why this was suppressed",
  "state": "NOT_AFFECTED",
  "justification": "REQUIRES_CONFIGURATION",
  "response": "WILL_NOT_FIX"
  • By CVE: Suppresses a finding identified by its Vulnerability ID CVE
  "by": "cve",
  "cve": "CVE-2021-22096",
  "expiration": "2022-12-23",
  "notes": "Some notes explaining why this was suppressed",
  "state": "FALSE_POSITIVE",
  "justification": "NOT_SET",
  • By CVE of PURL: Suppresses a finding identified by its Vulnerability ID CVE affecting a specific component identified by its purl
  "by": "cve-of-purl",
  "cve": "CVE-2021-22096",
  "purl": ".*org.springframework\/spring-web.*",
  "regex": true,
  "expiration": "2022-12-23",
  "notes": "Some notes explaining why this was suppressed",
  "state": "RESOLVED",
  "justification": "NOT_SET",
  "response": "NOT_SET"



Uploads a Dependency-Check XML Report to Dependency-Track. A project is created in Dependency-Track if it doesn't already exist.


Parameter Description Default Value
projectName The unique name of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}
projectVersion The version of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.version}
artifactDir The directory of the artifact to upload ${}
artifactName The name of the artifact to upload dependency-check-report.xml


Uploads a CycloneDX or SPDX BOM to Dependency-Track. A project is created in Dependency-Track if it doesn't already exist.

If both, parentName and parentVersion are specified (not empty), the appropriate parent project will be applied as a parent to the target project. If autoCreateParent is set to true and no matching parent project found in Dependency-Track, an appropriate parent project will be created first, otherwise the assigned parent project will be left as is.

Upon uploading a BOM to Dependency-Track a token is returned, which can be checked for processing status if pollToken is true.

If pollToken is set to false, then this goal would upload the BOM, optionally assign the specified parent project, write the token to a file at tokenFile and then exit.

Once the token is processed, the findings are available and can be fetched for further analysis.

This goal polls Dependency-Track for tokenPollingDuration, which defaults to 60 seconds, then prints a findings report. The findings can be matched against a security gate in order to fail the build, which can be configured as follows:

  • If a matching suppression found for a finding returned from server and uploadMatchingSuppressions is set to true, it will be suppressed in Dependency-Track server too by using the provided information.
  • If a matching suppression found for a finding returned from server and resetExpiredSuppressions is set to true, then the corresponding Analysis is reset in Dependency-Track server, when the local suppression expires.


Parameter Description Default Value
projectName The unique name of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}
projectVersion The version of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.version}
artifactDir The directory of the artifact to upload ${}
artifactName The name of the artifact to upload bom.xml
pollToken Whether to poll the pending token for processing or not true
tokenFile The file path into which the token will be written ${}/dependency-track/pendingToken
tokenPollingDuration Polling timeout for the uploaded BOM token. 60 seconds
projectMetricsRetryDelay Delay between each retry requesting project metrics 5 seconds
projectMetricsRetryLimit Maximum number of retries requesting project metrics 3 times
securityGate The security gate configuration
  • critial: 0
  • high: 0
  • medium: 0
  • low: 0
uploadMatchingSuppressions Whether to upload matching suppression or not false
resetExpiredSuppressions Whether to reset matching expired suppression or not true
cleanupSuppressions Whether to generate a cleaned up suppressions file without unnecessary suppressions true
cleanupSuppressionsFile The file path into which the suppressions will be written ${}/dependency-track/suppressions.json
parentName The unique name of the parent project in Dependency-Track empty
parentVersion The version of the parent project in Dependency-Track empty
autoCreateParent Whether to create or not the specified parent project if no such project exists false


Downloads a project's CycloneDX SBoM from Dependency Track.


Parameter Description Default Value
projectName The unique name of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}
projectVersion The version of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.version}
destinationPath The destination directory where the BOM will be downloaded ${}/${}_bom.xml
outputFormat The format of the BOM to download from Dependency-Track (XML or JSON) XML


Polls a token for processing status and applies a SecurityGate on the fetched findings.

The token value can be either read from a file via the tokenFile or passed directly as tokenValue property.

If both are set then tokenValue takes precedence over tokenFile.


Parameter Description Default Value
projectName The unique name of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}
projectVersion The version of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.version}
tokenFile The file path into which the token will be written ${}/dependency-track/pendingToken
tokenValue The UUID value of the pending token
tokenPollingDuration Polling timeout for the uploaded BOM token. 60 seconds
securityGate The security gate configuration
  • critial: 0
  • high: 0
  • medium: 0
  • low: 0


Checks a project's current metrics and applies a SecurityGate on any current findings.


Parameter Description Default Value
projectName The unique name of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}
projectVersion The version of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.version}
securityGate The security gate configuration
  • critial: 0
  • high: 0
  • medium: 0
  • low: 0


Computes a diff between two local BOM files and outputs the results.

The resulting diff indicates for each component whether it is added, removed or stays unchanged if the first BOM is applied to the second.

This goal mimics the behaviour of the same command in cyclonedx-cli.

  • The JSON output format produces the same results as the cyclonedx-cli, which can be written to a destination file.
  • The TEXT output format produces the same textual output in stdout as cyclonedx-cli.


Parameter Description Default Value
from The path of the first BOM for comparison
to The path of the second BOM for comparison
outputFormat The format of the result output. Can be either JSON or TEXT JSON
outputPath The path of the output file ${}/diff.json


Computes a diff between a local BOM file and its counterpart of the corresponding project in Dependency-Track. This can be used, for example, to check if the local state differs from the last imported BOM in Dependency-Track and act accordingly.

If the project doesn't yet exist in Dependency-Track, then the local BOM is compared with a dummy empty BOM, which would result in a diff indicating that all the components in the local BOM would be added if applied.


Parameter Description Default Value
localBomPath The path of the local BOM ${}/bom.xml
outputFormat The format of the result output. Can be either JSON or TEXT JSON
outputPath The path of the output file ${}/diff.json


Here are all the main configuration parameters summarized:

Parameter Description Default Value
dependencyTrackUrl The URL of the Dependency-Track Server
dependencyTrackApiKey An API key for Dependency-Track
skip Skip plugin execution for the current project false
failOnError Whether errors should fail the build true
logPayloads Whether the plugin should log request/response payloads false
projectName The unique name of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}
projectVersion The version of the project in Dependency-Track ${project.version}
artifactDir The directory of the artifact to upload ${}
artifactName The name of the artifact to upload
  • upload-scan goal: dependency-check-report.xml
  • upload-bom goal: bom.xml
tokenPollingDuration Polling timeout for the uploaded BOM token. 60 seconds
projectMetricsRetryDelay Delay between each retry requesting project metrics 5 seconds
projectMetricsRetryLimit Maximum number of retries requesting project metrics 3 times
securityGate The security gate configuration
  • critial: 0
  • high: 0
  • medium: 0
  • low: 0
suppressions Path to the suppressions file ${project.basedir}/suppressions.json


This plugin "Dependency-Track Maven Plugin" is available under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.

This is an independent project and not affiliated with, endorsed nor sponsored by OWASP, Dependency-Check, Dependency-Track, CycloneDX, or SPDX. Any product names, logos, brands, and other trademarks used in this project are the property of their respective trademark holders. These trademark holders are not affiliated with this project.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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